Christian Worldview Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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As a result of this element, there have been different worldviews from various denominations of Christianity due to the difference in the interpretation of the bible. However, different individuals agree upon some elements within the Christina worldview. This paper will discuss various aspects that relate to the Christian worldview and the implications they have toward my understanding of the worldview. God There are difference ways that Gods depicts himself to human beings. In one of the instances, the Bible declared God as a spirit. The third element is that God is a holy and a righteous human being. From the book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation, God has continuously revealed himself as a Holy God. He is perfect in every characteristic that is and too Holy to tolerate a sinful living.

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Romans 3:23). Apart from these elements that show how God is like, some characteristics are evident. The things that were created include animals, plants, water and heavenly bodies. The other creation of God is Man. God created man according to his image (Genesis 1:27). After God had created Man that is Adam, he led him into a deep sleep then created the female from his ribs. Humanity According to the Bible, human nature refers to the elements that make human beings different from other creatures. The cause of human problems is sin. Human beings first sinned when they were in the Garden of Eden, whereby, Eve disrespected God's rule and ate the fruit from the tree of wisdom. Since then, human beings face a lot of problems such as diseases. Jesus The true identity of Jesus is that He is promised the Son of God, the Alpha, and Omega who came to save the world.

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Jesus Christ is the mediator between God and Man. When asking forgiven during salvation, Christians ought to have faith in God and every promise that has been given. Faith refers to believing things that cannot be seen or touch (Smith p. Therefore, through faith, human beings believe that when they ask for forgiveness from God, they will be forgiven. Christians believe that the transformation of an individual occurs when he or she righteously obeys God and lives. The transformation of the society will happen when an individual changes. As a result, this brings confusion on which denomination is the right one. Christianity influences a person's thinking as well as behavior. When an individual turns to Christianity, he or will have good thoughts and behave in a righteously. Reflection As a non-Christian, the major similarities is that there is a supreme being that human beings look up to whenever they need help.

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The other similar issue is that in both the worldview and Christian worldview is that God created the world. Also, He sent his only son, Jesus, who is identified as the son of man and the savior to come and deliver human beings from their sins. Jesus Christ is the mediator between man and God. Therefore, He can intercede when an individual asks for forgiveness. Jesus Christ was sent to deliver human beings from sin because sin has become the causes of many problems such as diseases. Human beings should make sure that they live a life free of sin so that they can avoid these problems. Migliore, Daniel L.  Faith seeking understanding: An introduction to Christian theology. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2014.

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