Clinical depression research paper

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

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Primarily, clinical depression occurs in two forms: major depression and the depressive phase of the bipolar disorder. In as much as they manifest themselves the same way, they have different signs and symptoms. The Incidence and Prevalence U. S. A Clinical depression is one of the diseases that are widely spread in the U. However, the rates of the retired ages were relatively lower than the working ages. Around 75% of the patients confirmed they could not be productive in other activities. The prevalence increases with decrease in level of income. South Africa 2016 The incidence and prevalence of depression is high in the Republic of South Africa. The prevalence of depression in South Africa rises as age advances. They tend to develop greater appetite, hypersomnia and complain more about the associated pain.

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On the other hand, the affected men abuse substance and drugs (Schwartz, 84). However, the level of irritability is the same in both. Age: The level of depression manifest differently across the ages. Depression is rare in children of under twelve years. Chronic sleeping issues can result in depression. On the other hand, the victims show social isolation. Whenever one is overwhelmed with anything, he or she tends to struggle with the problem alone. Such victims try as much as possible to remain silent and avoid talking on the same issues. This makes the problem worse. Alcohol-or-medication-induced depression is caused by the use of given medical drugs and other illicit drugs. Depression due to illness occurs concurrently with such diseases as HIV/AIDS, heart problems, and cancer (Papathanasiou, 2017).

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Additionally, thyroid issues and other mental problems can be observed in the victims. The nature of these diseases leads to depression when the victim thinks too much and negatively about them. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder is another health behaviour that occurs in victims. Signs and Symptoms: The symptoms occur differently across the ages and gender. However, the most common symptoms include: • Sadness, emptiness and loss of hope among the victims • Irritability and frustrations even on petty issues • Loss of interest in the day to day activities and engagements. • Irregular sleeping habits such as insomnia • Lack of energy for even simple tasks. • Loss of appetite and resultant weight loss and at times abnormal appetite and weight gain. • Anxiety and restlessness. However, failure to treat this condition leads to changes in the functionality of the brain.

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The patients that suffer from depression for more than a decade are likely to develop inflammation in the brain. The inflammation a protein that influences the response to diseases and injuries (Marcus, and Mark, 2010). On the other hand, stress that results from hormone fluctuations results in mood swings. All of these affect the onset of menopause in women. The stress leads to depression. Death: When a person loses a loved one, the grief that overwhelms him or her increases the risk of depression. The sadness may lead to lead to irregularity in eating habits. This increases the risk of depression too. Serious illnesses: In case of diseases such as cancer and HIV/AIDS, the victims that are so stressed develop depression.

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On the other hand, the most common of depression is acquired from the environment. The environment in which a person life determines his or her behaviour. Severe diseases also impact band result in depression. Prognosis Severe depression has high levels of morbidity and mortality. It results in suicide, extreme medical conditions and diseases, drug abuse and loss in productive time. Medicines: The antidepressants are handy. Their functionality restores the right and proportional chemical compositions in the brain. The restoration relieves the patient of the symptoms. In extreme cases where the patients show signs of hallucinations, the medical practitioner may opt to administer additional drugs. After the administration of the drugs, the patient is closely observed for a period of time preferably weeks.

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