SWOT analysis of Bellevue Hospital

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

This paper will examine these four factors through the use of a SWOT evaluation as well as deduction and certain parts for further research which Bellevue Hospital can implement to exceed and reach the hospital’s goals. SWOT analysis of Bellevue Hospital The SWOT analysis is an instrument which can offer prompts to the employees, nurse mentors, clinical leads and executives involved in the evaluation of what is less efficient and effective in clinical procedures and systems, in making of the plan of a certain form. SWOT can be utilized for every analysis or planning activity that could influence future management, planning and finance decisions. It allows the management to conduct a more comprehensive investigation. The SWOT examination whereby managers evaluate the organization’s threats, opportunities, weaknesses and strengths, is a time-tested and a useful tool (Murali, Pugazhendhi & Muralidharan, 2016).

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The hospital has a stronger code of commitment, sharing and openness to improve patient confidence. The staff members use team-grounded-practice in the current service. Bellevue Hospital patients acquire care from a team having an extremely improved area of knowledge. This team comprises of office staff and managers, chemotherapy nurses in cancer treatment places and offices, together with the highly dedicated and trained array of some diagnostic radiologists, pathologists, radiation oncologists, surgeons, physicians as well as their corresponding teams. If need be, Bellevue also coordinate palliative and hospice care services for their social work, dietary, patients and other contribution services. The recognition of opportunities is frequently informed through the examination of weaknesses (Klein et al. Since the Bellevue Hospital does not cure everyone, there are some challenges which await repair, such as advancement of clinical experiments to try the combination of agents and new agents; resolving accessibility to the care obstacles; as well as new treatment methods that may be reported, executed and designed.

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The coming difficulties in health care mechanisms of reimbursements will generate opportunities to top up value to as well as be compensated for efficiency and quality which are much valued by third-party payers and second party payers (for example family or friends). The anticipated scarcity of expertise personnel is the opportunity to reform care-delivery models possibly re-creating what people called for as price power. As Bellevue hires several international workers who speak many languages and possess diverse nationalities, everyone has a unique background and reasoning style which adds to the spirit of the team and supports the group identity (Niederwieser et al. Furthermore, the socio-cultural tendency to communicating through web together with the shift in the line of the computer age is a problem to some old Bellevue workers who apply traditional strategies in delivering their services to the hospital.

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Yet, the rapid development is an increasing g trend that entices the current generation. Most young patients would feel comfortable when they consult the hospital's experts in through computer gadgets. To cope up with the current trend of technology in services delivery, Bellevue hospital must adapt to the pattern to remain competitive in offering quality services to the patients. Recommendations While looking for suggestions to put in place, Bellevue needs to consider how it may leverage its distinctive strengths in the present environment. Pelzer, U. Riess, H. Felsenstein, M. Denecke, T. Pratschke, J. Pugazhendhi, S. Muralidharan, C. Integration of IPA and QFD to assess the service quality and to identify after sales service strategies to improve customer satisfaction–a case study. Production Planning & Control, 27(5), 394-407. Niederwieser, D.

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