Legalizing Medical Marijuana

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

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For most of the interventions undertaken in the public health are geared towards preventing the occurrence of the illness rather than treating it. However, in cases where there is an outbreak treatment which includes offering vaccines is considered. Over the past years, the need to improve health care has been a necessity across the world. Nevertheless, the aim to provide quality healthcare has been faced with significant problems including the emergence of issues concerning public health. These limitations are common and continue to persevere in almost all countries regardless of the astounding improvements that have been made in the health sector. C, Oregon and Colorado which have authorized cannabis usage for adults and 23 more states legalizing marijuana for non-FDA-approved medicinal applications under the law. The expansion of access to permitted marijuana use is as a result of perception among the public and lawmakers that marijuana use is of harmful or the effects are not significant, more so when compared to the new impact associated with the currently permitted drugs such as alcohol and tobacco.

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Recent researches have revealed that numerous medical effects related to marijuana use to be not the least of which there is the likelihood of developing additional effects related to marijuana use. Thus, this increasing public access to legal marijuana use has called for a reaction from the field of addiction medicine and the government. As a result of many states legalizing possession of one jot or a smaller amount of cannabis for fun use by grownups of twenty-one years and above, opinions for and in contrary to these strategies are mainly increasing upon a high and contradictory systematic prose of the harms of medicinal cannabis regulations and legalization rule on cannabis usage and impacts. It fosters a black market that funds crime and violence across the world. It makes it impossible to control the quality of the cannabis and whether it’s laced with a dangerous substance.

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And it creates difficult circumstances on obtaining the drug for the responsible consumers. In the recent past, research has indicated that the use of pot has gradually increased. While there are perceptions that legalizing it for medical purposes will reduce the illegal use, in some countries, there are many shops that sell the product than there are fast food outlets. According to the standard economic theory on the use of substances, it indicated that people get the value of consumer products that are illegal in a similar manner with those that are legal. However, the amount purchased depends on the availability of capital and the market price. For marijuana, its prices are usually high since it is illegal and also costs incurred in trying to access it. The countries that have passed rules regarding the use of cannabis assume that it would be possible to reduce its harm because people can now view it as a medicine.

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Also, these states have a strategy that helps to control the number of cannabis plants that individuals can grow in their homes. Many people including medical doctors prefer that pot be made legal to reduce its use and also to cater for patients such as those who have cancer. There is need to conduct more research to determine the actual impacts of the product as well as the associated advantages for precise measures to be enacted. References Cerdá, M. Wall, M. Keyes, K. Rising, K. L. McConnell, K. J. The impact of state medical marijuana legislation on adolescent marijuana use. Heard, K. J. The implications of marijuana legalization in Colorado.  Jama, 313(3), 241-242. Wall, M.

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