Clinical Pathway for Type II Diabetic Patients

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Health Care

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In this type of diabetes, body cells do not respond well or at times incompletely don not respond to the effects of insulin. This hormone promotes the absorption and into the cells and hence the metabolism of glucose. In type II DM, insulin secretion is not sufficiently enough (“Standards of Medical Care,” 2014). While it is common among adults, it has also been found to affect children suffering from obesity. Although there is no cure for the disease, it can be managed by making appropriate lifestyle changes such as exercise and adherence to a healthy diet and taking the right medication(oral hypoglcemics). From a gender-based perspective, nearly 44% of the population living with diabetes are women, while men make up 56% in the United Kingdom (Dabelea et al. p. Age also plays a key role in determining prevalence of Type II diabetes mellitus.

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An analytical view of the prevalence of diabetes illustrates that adults between 40 and 80 years record the highest prevalence of diabetes in the United Kingdom. However, there are a few children under the age of 19 years in the United Kingdom with diabetes. These may be attributed to the increase in the incidences of obesity which is directly linked to Type II diabetes. About 80 to 85% of those living with type II diabetes are obese. Zaccardi, Webb, Yates, & Davies, 2016, p. Management of Type II diabetes requires exertion of a lot of effort as well providing the patient with the important information regarding the disease. Discussion Health care practitioners, particularly nurses, should educate the patients on the risk factors, signs and symptoms of diabetesas well as available pharmacological and non pharmacological therapy to ensure timely diagnosis and early management.

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Inactivity, eating junk and fatty foods and excessive weight gain are among the leading causes of Type II Diabtes. It is essential to understand the risk issues to promote better management of chronic ailment. Concerning that the fatty tissue is resistant to insulin, fat distribution has also been identified to be a risk factor as individuals whose bodies store fat in the stomach part are at high risk of developing type II diabetes (“Standards of Medical Care,” 2014). Indeed, physical inactivity increases the chances of becoming diabetic. Conversely, physical activity paves the way for weight control, fascilitating the utilization of glucose. The tool is used in the management of long-term conditions. It explains the difference between a care plan and a care pathway (Vashisht, Jung & Shah, 2016). The best definition of a clinical pathway is a collection of management guidelines that have typically presented in a flow chart that has applied to patients with the same illness.

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The method is applied to the improvement of the quality of care through the recommendation of the best practices that are used in the management of a condition. It is used with information management systems to track the patient’s treatment and management. Clinical pathways have considered the care that should be provided for the given number of patients at various stages (“How to Produce and Evaluate,” 2010). The pressing need is offering support for self-management. It means that a group approach could be more practical than providing individualised care. Specialised care should be offered to the patients that are in need of monitoring for complications and therapeutic changes. Indeed, clear differences exist between a clinical pathway and a care plan. However, their implementation has been seen to reduce the changes in clinical practice, improve health outcomes, and lessen costs.

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Clinical pathways have achieved positive healthcare outcomes such as a reduction in the length of admissions and an overall decrease in the cost of healthcare. In this case, the patient presents the ulcerated food symptom. The first step is to discuss the concerns about illness with the family members (“How to Produce and Evaluate,” 2010). Moreover, it is important to search for the symptoms on the internet. For instance, the standard of BMI required the patient to be less than 30 (22K5. When the person has taken through a series of measurements, the professionals discussed with the family their concerns about the individual’s health. In most cases, patients talked about the symptoms they experienced. Much speculation goes around on what is the right diagnosis. It prompts the patient and the family to check online and match-up the signs with the ones they are going through.

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The panel blood test can include HbA1c blood test and glucose tolerance test which is performed. The lab staff takes the workload from the LIMS, and they electronically or manually enter the results. The outcomes are received back into LIMS and reported. The TIE intercepts the HL7 message and transforms the downstream requirements or maps to read codes. The general practitioner receives the message (HbA1c>48mmol/mol, fasting glucose conc. The patient also undergoes a series of risk evaluations, structured education, screening, Then, he or she is allowed to conduct personal research. The general practitioner receives the results of the tests. An HL7 message is sent and intercepted by TIE, and the data is sent to the GP. The GP and patient discuss outcomes of the results and costs of treatment and medication.

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The GP then prescribes the decided treatment and medication for the patient. Furthermore, HIS TIE system is intricate, and it forces the person to wait for procuring the services. As such, it is considered the greatest loophole which requires prompt evaluation and improvement in order to facilitate quality health care. Moreover, HIS relies on computer-assisted learning in medicine. The doctors explicitly used the systems to diagnose the patient’s medical condition. By relaying information through the HL7 message board, they would only require to read through the report and associate them with the current symptoms (Tang et al. If a doctor cannot discuss the best prescription in person with another specialist, then it becomes difficult to provide the right program or therapeutic intervention for the individual. As a result, much time is spent on relying the HIS TIE for more information rather than using intellect in diagnosing the illness.

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Conclusion A clinical pathway is a critical tool that healthcare providers use to give improved care at a reduced cost. It is popularly applied in the management of chronic illnesses, including type II diabetes. It paves the way for healthcare practitioners to handle patients at different stages of illness. J. D’agostino, R. Dolan, L. Imperatore, G. Black, M. Goodwin, N. Curry, N. Naylor, C. Ross, S. Duldig, W. gosh. nhs. uk/file/576/download?token=Wa0lxTkr Ogurtsova, K. da Rocha Fernandes, J. D.   Retrieved from http://care. diabetesjournals. org/content/37/Supplement_1/S14 Stefanacci, R. G. Guerin, S. D. Clinician user involvement in the real world: Designing an electronic tool to improve interprofessional communication and collaboration in a hospital setting.  International Journal of Medical Informatics, 110, 90-97. Vashisht, R. Jung, K. T. Caesar, R.

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Mannerås-Holm, L. Xifra, G. Metformin alters the gut microbiome of individuals with treatment-naive type 2 diabetes, contributing to the therapeutic effects of the drug. Pathophysiology of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus: a 90-year perspective.  Postgraduate Medical Journal, 92(1084), 63-69. Appendices Appendix 1 Table 1: A representation of the statistical anomalies in diabetes prevalence in the United Kingdom's England, Wales, and Scotland Region Age England and Wales Scotland 0-9 0. Source 1: Retrieved from https://www. diabetes. Retrieved from https://www. diabetes. org. uk/resources-s3/2017-11/diabetes-key-stats-guidelines-april2014. pdf.

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