Cloud computing research

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Technology

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Mell et al, 2011)Cloud computing is redesigning the service-delivery and business-models in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) (Rings, Thomas, et al 2009). It has been a benefit to the Information Technology (IT) sector for the past three to five years. Notwithstanding cloud computing attraction to many telecommunication vendors, it is required to have an application migration strategy which is effective. Additionally, with its various models of provision, Cloud computing makes it possible for service providers and telecom vendors to make decisions for effective service and business models. Presently, there is security, dimensioning considerations, and performance in cloud computing for telecommunication companies (Rings, Thomas, et al 2009). Cloud computing has currently become a ground-breaking idea in Telecommunication and Information Technology while reshaping service offerings and business models as well as hardware/software provisioning thus opening new revenue-generating services(Moisescu et al, 2012).

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The term Cloud computing has become one of the commonly used terms in the industry by end users, developers and companies as many Large, Small, and Medium businesses are moving towards implementing cloud computing in their on-premises systems. Classification of Cloud Computing Cloud computing is classified into deployment models and service delivery models. Deployment models are branded depending on the physical location of the computing resources, network infrastructure, and the model proposed use (Yang et al, 2012). They are therefore categorized into the public cloud, private cloud, community cloud, and hybrid cloud. However, there has been an addition of other sub-variants in the market e. g. Networking-as-a-Service (NaaS), Database-as-a-Service (DaaS), etc. or generally Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS) (Yang et al, 2012). Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is the most commonly used service delivery model that provides software or application, on-demand, to the customer, using the internet.

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The main provided technologies include; Virtualization, Load balancing and scalability, Virtual private cloud, identity and access management, and high-performance computing technologies among others(Huiyang, et al 2010). Telecommunication vendors and service providers in Cloud Computing Telecommunication vendors and service providers in Cloud Computing are divided into public cloud service providers and private cloud platform providers. Public Cloud Service Providers include; Microsoft Azure, a platform that provides a platform on which developers have the freedom to install their applications without the worries of underlying infrastructure technicalities. They provide an environment best known for NET application. They are also useful for developers who want to install their applications with mixed environments (Zuhdi, Muneer et al, 2011). Other major players in the arena are Rackspace, GoGrid, Joyent, AT&T, EngineYard, NetSuite, Intuit, Intacct, 3Tera, Appistry, Elastra, RightScale, BMS, and Nasuni.

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· VMware vCloud Express enabled providers Terremark and Virtacore provide vCloud Express based public cloud. Terremark cloud is virtualized using VMware. Terremark uses its own datacenter, distributed among 160 networks, globally (Zuhdi, Muneer et al, 2011). Terremark gives API enabled web-based standardized architecture. It does not contain third-party device drivers. A dynamic datacenter with private cloud implications can easily be created from it. Linux distributions can be run as a guest operating system on the Hyper-V (Zuhdi, Muneer et al, 2011). It has integrated virtual-switch support. It also supports live migration of VMs, VM Chimney i. Atlas-LB, which is a Load Balancing as a Service solution. Compute component of OpenStack provides control panels and APIs that can be used to orchestrate a Cloud. It supports seven major hypervisors and can be built on multiple hardware configurations.

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Live VM management, floating IP addresses, Role-Based Access, Security Groups, and Federated Zones are supported in it. It is a very powerful solution. Research on telecom service deployment in cloud environments.  5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications. IEEE, 2010. Zuhdi, Muneer, Elisabeth T. Pereira, and Antonio Teixeira. Rings, Thomas, et al. Grid and cloud computing: opportunities for integration with the next generation network.  Journal of Grid Computing 7. Yang, Haibo, and Mary Tate. A descriptive literature review and classification of cloud computing research.

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