CNS Transition Plan

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

They live in the following situations; unsheltered or homeless, they live in a position that is not considered for human habitation. Others leave in an emergency shelter staying the whole night in hostels that are temporary like the Salvation Army. Thirdly, they live in a situation considered unsafe and lack security (Somers, Moniruzzaman & Palepu, 2015). This makes them be people at a health risk. They are in an economic situation that makes them not afford housing situation that meets public health and safety standards. Some of the injuries might be caused as a result of falling or even being struck by a vehicle. They might also be due to overdosing themselves. Other elements might include harsh weather conditions, if not cold then hot weather (Fazel, Geddes & Kushel 2014).

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Cold weather might result in freezing though not that common like the sever burn which might cause heart stroke. Also, it should be noted that the majority of suicide occur to many of the homelessness people. A study revealed that much of the mental illness is due to depression that is caused majorly by the situations they are in. Finally, being homeless puts one at risk of having infectious diseases such as hepatitis A. B and C (Cirulli, Laviola & Ricceri 2009). Other than this, there are others such as Tuberculosis which may be brought by poor nutrition and hygiene. Having heard some of the health issues that homelessness people undergo, it clearly shows that there is a health disparity between people that are homeless and people living in a healthy condition.

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One of the most effective measures used by nurses includes cognitive behavioural therapy and exposure therapy (Hofmann & Otto 2017). Medication does not necessarily cure mental illness, but in the long run, it may manage some of the symptoms associated with mental illness. Using medical therapy and psychotherapy can be an effective method in curing mental illness. Other than the two nurses may also use case management, a technique aimed at coordination services so that they can help the patient. With the case manager, they assist in assessing, planning and implementing some strategy for the patient to recover. Others that have failed include hospitalisation, case management and support group. With the nature of some of the homelessness people. It has been difficult for nurses to intervene using these methods due to the nature of these patients.

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Hospitalization has been impossible due to the nature of the patients experiencing mental illness. Case management has also been like impossible since the homeless people keep changing their location making it hard for the nurses to monitor the patients. To achieve this short-term goal will be performed if the homeless people engage with someone and would like to make new friends. They will have a role to play while in the group. Achieving this goal would be goal will be favourable towards attaining active treatment and recovery of the group member. As a clinician or the group facilitator, I will be involved with the member to come up with workable and achievable goals that can be reached by the homeless people.

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It should be noted that the importance of these short-term goals is that it will help them achieve long-term gals. Finally, it will provide with an action plan that will address the gap and ways of achieving the desired outcome. And what the state is required to do so to meet the future outcome of the problem. The primary objectives of Healthy people 2020 were to ensure that everyone attains high quality. Lives longer while living free from preventable disease and premature death, while achieving high equality, eliminate disparities and promote quality of life (Egan et al. With the situation of homelessness people, this has not been achieved, there a significant disparity of healthcare between homelessness people and the average population. Nurses need to provide mental illness services tot eh homelessness population within the country.

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Reduction of mental illness to the homelessness population to 10%. Health promotion model Health promotional model (HPM) was proposed by Nola Pender designed to counter the mode of health protection. HPM defines a dynamic state of absence of disease with health promotion aimed at increasing the client level of well ending (Alligood, 2017). The idea of HPM is critical since it will assist patients experiencing mental illness get adequate mediation despite their situation. ii. Everyone interacts with the environment, transforming the environment and being transformed over the tie. iii. The interpersonal environment constitute of the health professional whom they influence people throughout their life iv. Self-initiated reconfiguration is crucial to any behaviour change. Figure 4: Showing Personal Factors For one to have the desired behavioural outcome, they should be committed to a plan of action.

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This concept intention will lead to the implementation of health behaviour. In this case, it is aimed at ensuring that homelessness population is experiencing mental health illness stick to the action plan of providing they get well. Secondly, they should have immediate competing demands and preferences. The implementers of the plan should have alternative behaviours that have low control due to their environment contingencies such as family care. Through this, it will initiate the move through the government to provide training opportunities to the nurses for them to reach out to the homelessness population. Finally, the provision of mental illness service will ensure that the population reduces the population experiencing mental illness by 10 per cent. For the implementation strategy, we should ensure that we have the support from the relevant authorities for me to meet my set objectives.

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The most significant support will come from the government. For any form of an implementation plan, one should ensure they have the right people on board with the competence skill that are required to support the plan. Doing this will enable them geared up in promoting their health and preventing mental illness other than focusing on people. Evaluation when coming up with a plan there is a need for coming up with an evaluation that will measure the effectiveness. After all the main of this plan was not to come up it spend much time with no return. Since there is some of the training required for the nurses, I will use the Kirkpatrick’s 4 level model to analyse the evaluation of this plan.

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Kirkpatrick's four-level models In training, two objectives should be met that are crucial. Measurement of learning will defer depending on the learning objectives and whether there were some of the challenges while being interested in the change of knowledge skills and attitude (Liaw et al. This is crucial for the trainees and improving their later training. Behaviour At this level, you will be able to learn to which extent the audiences have changed their routine based on the training they have received (Liaw et al. This is how they will be able to apply the training they have received. Behaviour will change if the conditions are favourable. They participate in serving as consultants assisting in improving on the patient's outcomes at all levels of care.

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Their main role is to observe a patient condition and diagnose them with an illness or a problem. They also treat diseases, injuries and disabilities that are associated with an area of expertise. T researching for them to further knowledge is a field that they specialise in. Finally, they can also conduct physical among many other roles. , Faulkner, G. E. , Bajaj, R. R. , Silver, M. Risk factors for mental health: current approaches in translational neuroscience.  Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 33(4), 493. Coyne, I. , Comiskey, C. M. , Hutchison, F. N. , & Ferdinand, K. C. Hypertension in the United States 1999–2012: progress toward healthy people 2020 goals. W.  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder: Evidence-Based and Disorder-Specific Treatment Techniques. Routledge. Kirkpatrick, J. D. Expanding the lens of evidence-based practice in psychotherapy: A common factors perspective.

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