Coca-cola company
Document Type:Case Study
Subject Area:Management
However, the company's business activities have been slowed down thereby losing profits due to the reduction of market facilities. Furthermore, the report analyzes the research methodology for the case studies. The case study was carried out through the use of participant observation and interview methods. The research methodologies used involved contacting employees and asked whether they were interested in participating as examples of the case study. Furthermore, employees were given a general overview of the case study objectives and expectations. d. These have created a good customer relationship thus giving an opportunity for the business to be identified and satisfied. However, the company is also admired and has the most recognized logo across the world. Since the commencement of its operation, the company retains commitment and a strategic plan to attract and keep customers for the long run operation of the company.
Notably, the company road map is accelerated by its mission to create the product value and on the other hand, refreshing and creating an inspirational moment of happiness across the world. The rationale of using the participant observation and interviews as research methodologies: • The method is flexible and therefore allows for an open mind. Researchers get an opportunity to follow directions if something occurs. • It allows researchers to gain insight through personal experience. Being a research tea member, I got an insight into viewpoints, meaning, and problems from different employees of Coca Cola Company. • Interviews help in obtaining detailed information about personal opinions and perception. However, the company took this issue as minor and due to that reason they were banned from selling their products in Belgium. On the same period, the media also learned the Belgium issue, and they went ahead and reported to the public across the world, customers received this information with bitterness arguing that the company had gone against humanity by selling contaminated products to the public.
This act was also considered as racial discrimination and this triggered the company to withdraw its market share. Moreover, the company lost the value of its products in the international markets due to the deterioration of the company brands whereby consumers argued the company is not concerned about their health (F. David & F. Additionally, the company conducts social campaigns with the aim of convincing the public to support their business and social norms. As an ethical company, Coca Cola is able to contribute to society through creating security to employees and providing harmless products that deliberately value the customer's money. II. Promotion of corporate social responsibility This strategy will enhance the growth of the company as it will be in a better position to restore its competitive edge across the globe.
Social responsibility involves acting honestly and ethically to the public. VI. Good leadership If the company embraces good leadership in the workplace, it will be in a good position to operate effectively. Employees, on the other hand, will be motivated to work efficiently for the company. Favorable working environment and better wages will encourage the employees to work effectively for the company (Ind, 1997). Role and Legitimacy of the Management Function towards Ethical Practices In the Coca Cola Company, ethical role of managers is brought about by the kind of leadership they offer to the employees in the workplace. These help greatly in the implementation of the right decision ethically in the workplace. Additionally, a manager who has strong personal standards, give employees an opportunity to think through a decision with a clear rationale in mind.
When managers are making decisions for the company, they need to put into consideration the ethical needs. Their personal core values usually guide managers and therefore they try to be many objectives and fair thus exhibiting concern to the society by following the rule used in ethical decision making (Webley,1992). Managers from various departments in the Coca Cola Company portray moral leadership and acts as a role model to the employees. d. Retrieved from https://www. coca-colacompany. com/ David, F. R. Ind, N. The corporate brand. In The Corporate Brand(pp. Palgrave Macmillan, London. Webley, S.
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