Communication Efficacy Research Paper

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Religion

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This brings the argument whether the reader has any response towards the message being received and whether they are obligated to objection or criticism of the massage that they receive. Vanhoozer in his book states that some of the reading that are encountered requires one to critically respond to and should not be ignored since they influence the events and things that happens to today’s society. Some of the events that are highly influenced are the economy, politics and governance including many others in the social life1. To further understand in depth the event that are taking place in the modern world secular theories are employed. These theories points out the view of worldly event in a regular worldly ways and without the involvement of spirituality and God in the analysis.

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The bible reveals not only the roadblocks to communication, but also the pathways to effective communication as well. For instance, there is a one short phrase in the book of (Eph 4:15[New International Version] )that hold the key to effective communication at home, “speaking the truth in love”. The first principle here is to be honest; a satisfying marriage relationship will involve openness and honesty about fears, desires, motivations, sex, money, weaknesses, mistakes, resentments and misunderstandings. Many marriages could be resolved if couples were only honest with each other The word God is a powerful tool to a Christian life and the community at large; In the Bible it is stated that the word of God is living and active more than any two edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intention of the heart.

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And no creature hidden from his sight but are naked and exposed to the eye to which we must account. The truth in it should influence more people to live in godly way and know Christ. This indicates the power in the truth of the word. The words of the Bible have been used to be in the core of building of some Western nation such as the U. S where some of the laws that are in the constitution are from the Bible. Some of these laws include the society view of marriage until very recently, the legal and moral standards. One of the major misleading messages that is going on in today’s churches’ is the overemphasis towards prosperity.

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Most of these massages are motivated by greed. The preaching in the name of Jesus for a financial gain is highly rebuked by Paul. Many of the people although not knowing well the truth are being led away by these false massages and even they back up the massages with the scriptures. The followers sincerely fall into these baits. Benefit of speaking the truth of the word is also to avoid antinomianism which is doing things against the law. The highly graced preachers may propagate the massage that Jesus died and therefore we are free. This did not mean than we are free to sin but it meant we are free from sin. According to (Rom. 8:1-4[New International Version])5, Jesus died for us and broke sins power on our lives so that now, by the Spirit, we can live the righteous requirement of the law.

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This is because cultures that are given to corruption are often in the most impoverished parts of the world since it’s more difficult and risky to conduct businesses in which trust levels are low. Similarly, companies in which there is a culture of distrust typically have higher costs of doing business since they require costly regimens of oversight. According to the Bible truth is a person, this makes it necessary for everyone to tell the truth always since we are ever surrounded by people. This makes a lot of sense since Jesus himself said to his disciples that he is the way, the truth and the life and that no one comes to the Father except through him7. If we are to be honest, we must all admit that our lives are marred either in one way or another by deceit and falsehood, we have all at one point departed from truth in our thoughts and actions as well.

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There is nothing false in God8. Because God is true, all truth derives from and corresponds to Him. If our thoughts are true, it’s because they correspond to the world as God made and knows it. If our actions are true, it’s because they conform to the way God Himself acts. Hence because God is true, all truth belongs to Him and all truth finds its ultimate meaning in Him. One interesting fact about truth is that it can be denied but never can it be avoided at all cost. However in such a busy world, the importance of speaking the truth has never been more meaningful as human beings we are so bombarded by gossip, loud noise and messages about how we should be living our lives.

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