Community project essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health Care

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For instance, he is responsible for the founding of American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). It is William Dunton, alongside George Barton, who organized for the founding meeting of the National Society for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy which later became AOTA. Dunton also contributed to the spread of articles in occupational therapy. For instance, he used his position as an editor for the Maryland Psychiatric Quarterly to introduce a column entitled Occupations and Amusement (The American Occupational Therapy Association, 2019). Apart from serving as a president of AOTA, Dunton also served as the chair of the Publications and Publicity Committee and used his position to widen the publicity enjoyed by occupational therapy in the country. She contributed in having the field established and organized.

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She contributed further to occupational therapy by directing occupational therapy research for the state of Illinois (Pollock, 1942). Slagle added the number of trained and qualified people in the field through running training course at the Henry B. Favill School of Occupations. Apart from her role as a researcher and educator, Slagle played the role of a leader in occupational therapy. He is responsible for organizing for the meeting, together with Dunton, where the National Society for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy was founded. This is the organization which is nowadays known as AOTA. George Barton played a huge role in establishing this association by serving as its first president (The American Occupational Therapy Association, 2019). He was also the founder of Consolation House.

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This was located in New York. His life story allowed him to inspire several people. Also, the actions of Barton were important for the field of occupational therapy since he was inspired to cause changes in the care provided to patients. Therefore, he came up with workable means such as the Consolation House which formed a benchmark for occupational therapy practice. Amy Lamb Dr. Amy Lamb is one of the most influential people in occupational therapy at the moment. Lamb regularly speaks to different groups of people and empowers them on health care policy issues that affect occupational therapy (AOTA, 2019). She has also volunteered on numerous occasions to educate health care professionals on the policies being used in occupational therapy and practical ways in which they can get involved with the profession and help their patients.

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The actions of Dr. Amy Lamb are important because of several reasons. Foremost, she has a strong background in occupational therapy, having studied the course extensively. Shirley Jackson-Jackson majors on mentoring health sciences and nursing faculty and the students who take occupational therapy. She has managed to inculcate a culture of research in the students and faculty members that she has interacted with in various instances. Therefore, she has played the role of making occupational therapy better through the use of research. Her major focus is on health disparities, which is one of the major issues in health care currently. Therefore, the role that she plays in occupational therapy cannot be understated. She is responsible for developing the ethics office for AOTA.

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This is the office which ensures that ethical issues are properly addressed as members of the organization carry out their duties pertaining to occupational therapy. She served through the office for a period of six years. During this time period, Kyler educated the members of AOTA, the public, and customers on the services that are supposed to be provided under occupational therapy. She also played the role of investigating ethical complaints against members of AOTA. These changes have made occupational therapy better. References AOTA. Amy Lamb, OTD, OT/L, FAOTA. Retrieved February 11, 2019, from https://www. aota. 1007/bf01573663 The American Occupational Therapy Association. (2019, January 2). 100 Influential People in Occupational Therapy: Eleanor Clarke Slagle. Retrieved from http://www. otcentennial. otcentennial. org/the-100-people/dunton.

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