Composing food waste Research
The composting food waste, when put into a proper analysis, may lead to the establishment of a product that may turn out to be marketable and also generate income when you recycle the waste. The organic and food waste when not properly taken care of will decompose and in turn, lead to the pollution of the environment. The research proposal is put together to help as a critical guide in the establishment of a program of composting to deal with the food waste in Montgomery college. The paper shall provide substantial details on the how Montgomery college will improve and eliminate landfill as a result of its organic and food waste and subsequently act to minimize environmental pollution. Introduction Food waste is a significant component of the waste that gets disposed of in the landfills in Montgomery college.
Problem Statement How can Montgomery college improve its waste management especially food and paper waste to reduce its landfill rate of diversion as well as the reduction of its impact on the environment by reducing the trash in the college. Significance of the Study The study is important to provide a guide that is crucial to assist in the creation of an organic and food waste composting program from the participation of the Montgomery fraternity and all the stakeholders involved. The results that will come forth from the study will act to improve and reduce the disposal of the waste in the landfill. The composting program will play a critical role in the reduction of pollution as a result of the landfill and also lower pollution of water. Assumptions of the Study The research proposal assumes the stakeholders in Montgomery will partake in the program and that it is in their best interest in getting solutions that are sustainable in the management of food and organic waste.
The use of the fertilizer that will be generated from the composting facility set up will produce compost fertilizer that is better than synthetic fertilizer in comparison of the impacts on the environment. The synthetic fertilizer has enormous damage on the environment (Oazana et al. The compost program will provide an alternative to synthetic fertilizer that has severe impacts such as soil acidification and water pollution. According to Sullivan compost releases slowly the nutrients and therefore acts to minimize the loss of the nutrients (2014). The compost used eliminates global warming, air pollution, pollution of water and economic effects arising from the harm on the environment. The benefits arise from waste handling and tipping fees which can be a major problem and expense due to the dining services as a result of the heavy wastage of food.
According to research on Washington State University, they can save about $200,000 annually and also in New Hampshire Dartmouth college saved about $10,000. In Harvard University, for instance, they also save about $35,000 annually and even about $10,000 in the reduction of the purchase of soil amendment (Awasthi). Montgomery college will reap numerous benefits that will see through a green campus as a result of the sustainable practices. Methodology The cafeteria in Montgomery is a major source of waste, for instance, the piles of waste food in the trashcan. The proposal outlines use of a survey on the stakeholders, use of scholarly information, books and professional publications. The limitations of the methodology also were on the probable investment costs required for the composting program. There is further research that is required as highlighted in the proposal.
Results The proposal creates a guide that will aid in the implementation and design of a compost program. The guide is in two major phases, Planning phase and Implementation phase. They are necessary for the management of the plant. The location of the compost facility is also critical in the planning phase. The size of the plant depends largely on the regulations and legal requirements (Vich et al. Economic planning is necessary to account for the transportation costs and tipping fees and also the amount of food waste that gets collected and produced. Implementation Phase The phase involves information on the implementation of the composting program, for instance, quality control, transportation, collection methods and odor control. Odor Control Montgomery College will identify the people to monitor the odors and subsequently relay the findings to the people responsible for the compost management for appropriate actions.
Maintaining a site that is clean will significantly reduce the odor emissions. Sales To be a sustainable venture for Montgomery the food waste emanating from the landfills and converted into compost can get sold. The program assessment is crucial to be able to know its viability. The markets for the compost are such as forestry industry, greenhouses, construction industry and agricultural industry. Also, the research must be undertaken on the location of the facility and its feasibility to ensure full compliance with laws and ordinances because the regulations may change over time. Lastly, the benefits accrued from the program need to be exposed and also communicated to the larger society given that Montgomery college is a learning institution. The enlightenment is very crucial and necessary also to be able to access the market for the compost.
When the people understand the product, they will be able to seek the product and services. Works Cited Awasthi, Mukesh Kumar, et al. Waste Management (2017). Pahla, G. F. Ntuli, and E. Muzenda. Revista Ambiente & Água12.
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