Consultation Strategy Action Plan Case Study

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

Development of an effective strategic plan requires the consultant to develop clear objective and goals. These objectives and goals should not be subjective; they should be very clear, detailed and specific. The set objectives and goals give the consultant a clear consultation strategy process as well as providing the basis for the consultation strategy accomplishment assessment. Consultation strategy case study 2 Case study 2 involves a large high tech company (Molecular electronics) which is experiencing low sales regardless of highly qualified employees. The Japanese based company has been in existence for 10 years and has the most qualified staffs. Industrial Organization Psychology can be used in a strategy consulting process (Silzer & Cober, N. P). However, numerous consulting practitioners and firms are more familiar with conventional methods. In this case study, the conventional strategy will be the most appropriate technique since it will assist the consultant in gathering information through interviews as well as collecting recommended changes through strategy discussions with the sales team.

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However, this convectional strategy should be combined with Industrial Organization Psychology so as to build better and strong organizations (SIOP, N. day of. by Dave consultancy and Molecular electronics. Dave consultancies are an independent strategy consulting organization established in 2000 and providing consultation strategy services. The company exists and registered under the laws of the state of Colorado. The contents of this contract provide that; • As an independent international consultancy firm, Dave consultancy is allowed to carry out and complete consultancy services for businesses and organizations globally. The outcome should be fair and free from management manipulation or employee influence. The two parties have also agreed that Molecular electronics shall not in any way provide Dave consultancy with any employee benefits, medical cover, retirement pension compensation, or social security within the period that Dave consultancy will be hired by Molecular electronics.

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In conclusion, it is also agreed that no any of the two parties shall be more powerful than the other to the extent of dragging the other one. • Both parties have agreed that the consultation strategy services are naturally individual and from Dave consultancy perspective, the comprehensive information obtained as well as the guidance to be offered, Molecular employees culture and norms, among other information, shall remain confidential throughout the consultation strategy plan. Therefore, all parties have agreed that neither molecular electronics nor Dave consultancy shall consign this agreement without a written consent of the other party. Description of the assessment tool Appropriate assessment tools will allow the consulting firm to identify the key reasons behind the underperforming sales function. The consulting firm will, therefore, help the Molecular electronics in empowering its staff as well as developing a strong problem-solving action plan.

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In the case of Molecular electronics, interviews and open discussion can form the most crucial assessment tool. These interviews will be independently carried out in order to find out what are the major causes of the poor sales function. The significance of this assessment tool is that the consulting firm can easily identify psychological, social and cultural traits of Molecular electronics thereby giving an amicable analysis as well as the solution. As a result of the combination of these problems within the sales department, the highly qualified sales staffs have been overwhelmed by the challenge. Besides that, lack of effective communication channels is the most common problems in defining the sales targets and expectation of Molecular electronics. Step 2: after a comprehensive interview with individual members of the sales team through the use of a communication exercise.

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It is expected that the sales staff members will express themselves as emotionless as possible thereby providing the most accurate information. Through effective solution to the communication challenge, it is essential to remind the entire organization that, they are a team of qualified personnel and they cannot achieve the organizational goals, mission and objectives independently or without proper communication. External evaluation and monitoring process would be carried out by Dave consultancy on a quarterly basis and it will involve the use of the following approaches. • Statistical examination of the sales function to find out whether there are improvements in the company's sales function • Interviews with the sales team to identify if each sales personnel, as well as all the other staffs, understand their roles clearly • Questionnaires targeting the management in order to identify their satisfaction with the action plan A further connection with the Molecular electronics management should be maintained for continuous information involvement.

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Keeping the communication lines available can help in resolving any related issue that may arise in the business. This constant contact with Molecular electronics can be maintained through the use of email as well as giving documents for analysis. Ethical considerations In the contemporary society, an Ethical dilemma forms the part of regular experiences in any organizational setting. This will, in turn, improve the organization's overall performance and more so in improving the underperforming sales function. Evaluation of interventions Successful interventions will only be clear observed when the plan fully accomplishes its indented purpose. Unless molecular electronics' sales function performs well within the stipulated time, it will be difficult to evaluate the interventions. However, periodic assessment of the success of the intervention plan can be used to give an assumption of the intervention's progress.

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Conclusion According to Society Industrial and Organization Psychology (SIOP), performance of any organization is the basic foundation. Such activities will always pull the overall business performance to a poor destination. The Molecular electronics case study is just one among the many global organizations experiencing a similar challenge. Globally, organizations are struggling with underperforming sales function and the management teams are reluctant in a contracting strategy consulting firm with the hope of the performance will improve. Such management teams should understand their roles and look for solutions whenever required. In addition, the organization should strictly establish a code of ethics that will guide every organization employee in the realization of their objectives and goals. siop. org/tip/oct10/10silzer. aspx Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (n. d. you can help build better organizations by becoming an industrial-organizational psychologist.

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