Cortez Plastics essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

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This will enhance quality of an employee hence corporate growth for the organization. Another way which can be used by a company to maintain informal project management is by motivating employees to work extra hard so as to obtain high results. The manager can play a role of showing the employees why the matter and the results of their efforts are so as they can feel motivated and be rewarded to keep it to their best contribution to the organization. A company can also maintain informal project management by evaluating the personnel skills so as to be able to know some areas where employees need formal training. Most managers understands that training is important for a success of any team and so they can have their team attending regular classes in a formal institution so as they could be able to complete a course or a definite curriculum successfully to receive a formal certificate.

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So therefore when reducing this matrix structure, employees will work together in a collaborative teams and this is an informal approach. Another way which can be done by an organization to return to a more informal approach from the formal approach is by reducing its organic and mechanistic. A formal approach has structures which are mechanistically designed which emphasize on control and rules while the organic structures create free flowing conditions and loose interactions (Rosenau & Githens, p17). For the informal approach, it encourages creativity, adaptability and rapid communication between the employees. So therefore what can be done for a company which is creeping towards a formal project management to return to a more informal approach is by avoiding an organic and a mechanistic way of structure. An informal project management encourages learning at the workplace and so once role flexibility is practiced in an organization, it will be able to return to a more informal approach.

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Q3 The chances of success for a formal approach is very low. For instance in an informal approach, there is better communication structure in the organization which is not usually the case for a formal approach (Baker & Baker, p24). Communication and feedback are important in any organization because they assist in improvement of the business processes and also they highlight what needs to be done for improvement of the organization. Moreover, since employees, in informal approach, are working in a happier mood which increases productivity for the organization. It is always good to make sure that all the employees in an organization understand the need for the change and explain to them why there is the need to change whatever you are willing to change In conclusion, it is always good to make sure that when putting new strategies in any organization you assess the things that will follow.

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This is because some managers and employees may not be willing to promote the approach. When a company grows bigger and bigger, the informal approach of project management becomes a major constraint. This calls for the introduction of a formal approach. Works Cited Baker, S.  Successful project management: A step-by-step approach with practical examples. Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley.

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