Counseling with Children Impacted by Divorce

Document Type:Annotated Bibliography

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

 Drustvena istrazivanja, 23(1), 5-24. doi:10. 5559/di. 01 The rate of divorce is increasing at an alarming rate in the United States and other parts of the EU countries. A lot of literature concerning the effects of divorce on both children and parents has been generated by scholars. Considering children-fixed effect frameworks and time baseline before the parents separate, its estimation relies on child changes with time. Most of the young people are most likely going to engage in alcohol abuse between two and four years before the separation of the patients. According to this article, the young people are exposed to high risks of using bhang and alcohol, with bhang effect being 12. 1% within two years of divorcing. This study concluded that its magnitude tends to increase with time of divorce.

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 Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83(5), 999-1005. doi:10. 1037/a0039567 The main objective if this journal was to determine online skills of coping with divorce among the children from divorced families as a way of preventing mental health problems. It involved 147 respondents aged between 11 and 16 years from families which had previously filed divorce cases. The participants were assigned to different interventions such as experimental intervention, or BTN (Best of The Net). Cohen, G.  J. , & Weitzman, C.  C. Helping Children and Families Deal With Divorce and Separation.  J. , Bala, N. , & Saini, M.  A. Interventions, Educational and Therapeutic. Effectiveness of a Multimodal Intervention for Group Counseling with Children of Divorce in Iran.  Universal Journal of Psychology, 5(4), 167-172. doi:10. 13189/ujp. 050401 Children are mostly concerned with the issue of parental divorce.

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, Merino, L. , & Iriarte, L. Protecting Children After a Divorce: Efficacy of Egokitzen—An Intervention Program for Parents on Children’s Adjustment.  Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24(12), 3782-3792. doi:10. counseling. org/docs/default-source/vistas/the-tug-of-war-child-counseling-children-involved. pdf?sfvrsn=62d8c566_13 Most of the children have been enrolled in counseling sessions as a result of family divorce and other custody disputes. Some of the counselors that have no enough knowledge concerning different dynamics of conflict divorces tend to do a lot of harm to involved clients, exposing them to high risks of ethical and legal ramification. This is to mean that all counselor dealing with divorce cases must be in a position to determine parental alienation among the young people as well as the provision of effective treatment.

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All the mothers considered in this study had fought competently to protect their marriages. The study found that more than 50% of the mothers were less responsive and available to the children during the post-divorce era compared to during the failing marriage. Almost 33% of the parents forgot about their children during the post-divorce period to concentrate on rebuilding their intimate relationships, exposing most of the children to truancy and delinquent activities. However, such behaviors among children subsided the moment mothers resumed their parental responsibilities and developed stabilized marriages. The research journal tends to challenge the fact that some people view divorce as a time-bound crisis where children who have continued access to the two parents will recover within a very short time after the differences have been solved.

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