Psychology annotated bibliography

Document Type:Annotated Bibliography

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

, McMahon, B. T. , & Rumrill, P. D. The workplace discrimination experiences of older workers with disabilities: Results from the national EEOC ADA research project. Beliefs about intellectual disability among employees at a state facility and undergraduate students: An exploratory analysis. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 32(1), 51-60. Over the years, people with intellectual disabilities have been subject to stigmatization in many different circles. The workplace has grown to become one of the worst places to be for people suffering from this kind of disability. This is mostly because the workplace is an area where intellectual prowess is highly praised, therefore people with disabilities are likely to be looked down upon by their colleagues. The state of health in the region is also declining significantly, which means that more people are likely to develop chronic conditions that will last longer as compared to previous generations.

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This is a developing trend that is likely to continue and get worse in the coming years, yet very few people have taken the time to conduct studies on the topic. This article contains an in-depth analysis carried out by the Department of Public Health Sciences of the University of North Carolina. The study uses data from over 30,000 adults in the 1968 to 2015 Panel Study of Income Dynamics. The study also goes further to take the ethnic backgrounds, the age and the gender of these people into account to determine the levels of work disability and the likelihood of recovery in old age. , and how a sustainable environment can be created for them. Phillips, B. N. , Deiches, J. , Morrison, B. D. , Roessler, R.

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T. , Bishop, M. , Li, J. M. , Vos, L. , Ngan, E. , Leon-Novelo, L. , & Sherer, M. , Kim, J. H. , Simpson, P. , & McMahon, M. C. W. , Bumble, J. L. , & McMillan, E. D. To be able to advance professionally and economically, it is important to have a fair amount of job satisfaction at your place of work. It is quite difficult for the average man to attain this state, therefore it is even harder for people with intellectual disabilities to do so. This is mostly because their options are quite limited when it comes to the job market, and there are very few corporations that have systems in place to ensure that their employees are content. This article takes a closer look at this situation by conducting systematic literature research to find the specific effects of work on this demographic group.

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Mitra, S. , Lyons, O. , Bose, J. , & Butterworth, J. A model of employment supports for job seekers with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Rehabilitation, 84(2), 3-13. Journal of Rehabilitation, 84(2), 3-13. It is not uncommon for people to sustain different kinds of occupational injuries during their tenures at their respective places of work. These injuries and illnesses often lead to a significant increase in health-related costs for the individuals, and sometimes these costs will have to be incurred for the rest of their lives. This article takes a closer look at this topic, specifically highlighting the differences between members of minority groups and non-Hispanic white workers in the amount of risk of work-related injuries. This study aims to illustrate the likelihood that minority groups are more likely to sustain work-related injuries and to examine the economic implications of such a statistic.

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The study was also conducted to come up with an explanation of geographic variations in employment outcomes across the country by identifying the specific facilitators and barriers faced when seeking employment. Santuzzi, A. M. , & Waltz, P. R. J. , Phillips, K. G. , Keirns, T. , Smith, A. P. , Ketchum, J. , West, M. D. , Chan, F. The inclusive and accessible workplace. Communications of the ACM, 61(2). The advancements in computer science are taking place at a fairly high rate in the modern world. As a result, the number of tasks that have to be undertaken using various computer applications is increasing by the day. For a long time, people with attention and learning disabilities have not been part of the conversation when it comes to these developments.

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