To what extent are the lives of adolescents and young adults shaped by parental and peer influences

Document Type:Annotated Bibliography

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

It is correct that their peers in class might be positive about education progress but their parents through experience and wide knowledgeable expertise offers more influence. The peers influence in education plan provide negative plans under risk behaviors even though with protective behaviors arising from the positive influence they consent, (Tome). Main idea 2: Shaping the adolescents approach to substance use and negative drive in their interactive sessions: The application of adolescents substance use generates from less parental knowledge and guidance on the issue with much influence to its involvement provided by the peers, (Bountress). According to, Moore, & Bowman, 2006, the peers through their easy invocation provide for intergenerational influences such as one’s family background and their lifestyles causing one to try and match that state.

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Main idea 3: Influence on antisocial behavior for the adults by both parents and peers have been matching the environment and practice of the adolescents: The approach of this provides that both parents and peer influence has provided for a mitigating effect on antisocial behavior an adolescent would express as they grow up, (Cook, 2009). The indication by this measure has gotten provided through the interpersonal influences which are in an obvious state more in terms of parents other than the friends one meet on the way as they grow. In accordance with the cognitive development theory, young ones understand the world they are in through the provision of actions. It is correct to articulate that the indications from the theory in relation to the young adolescents' education choice bring relevance such that they have seen what education has done to their parents and especially on the continued provision of the basic need by their parents.

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It is correct that their peers in class might be positive about education progress, but their parents through experience and wide knowledgeable expertise offer more influence. It is also correct in the manner that it is these parents that they have grown up to be together within most part of their livelihood. It is that negative attitudes that see them induct into substance abuse as well as other negative behaviors to match the standards they have gotten influenced to display. Influence on antisocial behavior for the adults by both parents and peers have been matching the environment and practice of the adolescents: The approach of this provides that both parents and peer influence has provided for a mitigating effect on antisocial behavior an adolescent would express as they grow up, (Cook, et.

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al. According to research, both parents and peers provide for having a positive influence on the rejection of antisocial behavior by the adolescents. The provision has been offered by the induction of both parents and peers being environments for learning for the adolescents under their sector. " American Journal of Sociology 87. The article provides to prove if there exists some parental and peer influence on adolescents’ educational plans. It took the utilization of questionnaire method with a sample of five schools being used for surveying the behavior of adolescent-parent-best school friend traits. From the questionnaire it was observed that there was stronger parental influence on adolescents’ education aspirations compared to peer influence. Bountress, Kaitlin, Laurie Chassin, and Kathryn Lemery-Chalfant. , Camacho, I. , & AlvesDiniz, J.

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