Crime Prevention Intervention Programs
Additionally, preventing delinquency both serves to save young people from wasting their future while also preventing the onset and prevalence of adult criminal careers, thus, minimizing the problem of crime on both the victims and the entire society. Essentially, states spend billions of dollars each year for purposes of arresting, prosecuting as well as offering treatment services to juvenile offenders. As a result, investment in effective delinquency prevention programs stands higher chances of saving taxpayers huge sums, approximately between seven to ten dollars for every invested dollar. Primarily, such savings would come as a result of reduced prison spending. Besides, Greenwood (2008) maintains that researchers have made tremendous efforts in the last decade and have identified several delinquency prevention programs that have since been proven to be effective. If the cities of Cleveland, Baltimore and Atlanta’s juvenile crime reports are anything to go by, then there has been little progress concerning the implementation of juvenile crime intervention programs at the city level.
For instance, Cleveland city has among the lowest graduation rates in the US. With only 34% (Donovan, 2009). Such minimal graduation points to increased cases of indiscipline among children. Essentially, the Cleveland’s Juvenile Division reports about 11, 254 cases of delinquency and indiscipline among minors in the city. Essentially, there is also increased the rate of daily minor crimes in the city. The city has also been characterized by increased youth gang-related activities with 50 youth gangs as reported by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Rolling intervention programs in these cities are, therefore a necessity. Moreover, there has been an increasing trend of crimes committed by minors in the U. S. From the national trends, it is essential that we identify and confirm that juvenile crime exists and develop goals that would be integrated with the best intervention program to ensure success.
Furthermore, before deciding on the most effective intervention program, it is advisable that experts analyze the conditions surrounding the crime as well as the motive. Identifying the most appropriate data to be collected, conducting thorough research about the crime and recognizing the possible techniques to be used with the program. In such a setup, there would be a need for the input and contribution of the entire community including the guardian, manager as well as handlers of the program. With a shared responsibility, it can be easy to brainstorm for effective interventions. Such necessities include poor relations within the minor’s social; network like peers and parents, cognitive defaults or problems as well as behaviors related to inappropriate parenting. The NP applies a multi-system approach that ensures various factors that are linked to the delinquency are addressed.
At the start of the intervention’s implementation, there is a systematic assessment of the minor’s criminogenic requirements so that they can target the specific criminogenic dynamic conditions for the treatment. Additionally, more of the success of NP is as a result of its focus on the principle of responsiveness. Here, the treatments are adjusted to conform to the motivation level of the adolescent and their background (de Vries et al. The program’s main objective is to minimize juvenile arrests as well as lower the number and prevalence of juvenile recidivism. The approval of county and the prevention plans of high-risk juvenile crime while also designing guidelines for the eligibility of funding for the program’s implementation (Oregon Youth Development Council, 2016). The statute of the authority offers the target population for the JCP finances to be the youth who have various risk factors including anti-social behavior, poor support from the family, failures in school, negative peer relationship and substance and drug abuse.
Additionally, the youth must demonstrate the unwarranted behaviors, which have mainly attracted the attention of both the government, the community, schools and law enforcement personnel and that would result in increased involvement in the juvenile justice system. As such, the JCP Program offers intervention for youth who are at increased risk of involving in juvenile delinquency. The community-based programs have been found to be the most effective programs and focus on family interactions, which can influence the behavior of the youth. Moreover, traditional methods that involve threatening the youth with consequences are as well successful. Minors in probation mainly require two effective programs, which are family-based like the Functional Family Therapy (FFT) and the Multisystemic Therapy (MST) (Greenwood, 2008). FFT mainly focuses on minors that are aged between 11 and 18 years who exhibit substance abuse, violence or delinquency.
FFT emphasize and works to alter the communication among family members while also making endeavors to improve the family’s functioning through an increment of the problem-solving techniques and skills of the family, increasing emotional relations as well as enhancing the ability of parents to offer parental guidance to their children. Short-time impacts include reduction of crime, increased school graduation rate and minimize bad behaviors in the community that would foster peace. Long-term effects include reduction of the prevalence of future adult crimes. Therefore, there is need to intensify the implementation of juvenile crime intervention programs to help save the future of our children. References de Vries, S. L. doi: https://doi. org/10. j. childyouth. Donovan, R. bjs. gov/content/pub/pdf/tjvfox. pdf Greenwood, P. Prevention and intervention programs for juvenile offenders.
The future of Children, 18(2), 185-210.
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