Critical analysis The Chrysanthemums by John Steinbeck

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Literature

Document 1

This paper seeks to present a critical analysis of the narrative by utilizing numerous stylistic devices as well as rhetorical techniques employed by the narrator that serve in illuminating the ideas depicted such as symbolism, figurative language, the formal structure of the story, the storyline and plot. The use of diverse thematic techniques in the short story helps the reader to have a glimpse as well as connect with Steinbeck’s depiction of feminism demonstrated and perceive the life epitomized by Elisa of living in a world dominated by men. Firstly, the setting of the narrative indicates an industrious and a driven region by considering the enthusiastic efforts employed by Elisa and her significant other in farming for their upkeep. This demonstrates the productivity of the setting in which Steinbeck sets up the story alongside the plot depicting a traditional family life (Wagner-Martin 4).

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Moreover, the author displays Elisa as the main character of the story to be an intelligent as well as a fanatical young woman without a child; “Elisa Allen is a 35-year old beautiful woman, who lives with her husband” (Steinbeck 20-42). In addition, the storyteller describes the valley to lack illumination of sunshine despite being close as an imagery of deprived happiness in Elisa’s life in spite of living and associating with jovial people such as Henry and Tinker (Gale 1-33). Moreover, the dog used by Tinker at the point he approaches Elisa serves a clear replication of his personality. The narrator uses the dog to describe Tinker as a peculiar, anonymous as well as a life-threatening person. Paradoxically, the coarse outlook along with provocative personality creates attraction and affection to Elisa.

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