Critical Thinking Decision Theory within the Global Marketplace

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Technology

Document 1

From the talks, I gathered that leaders in the corporate world have a growing positive influence on different levels of the economy. As a matter of fact, the leaders should be considered as their own economy, when the money controlled by the leaders is taken into consideration. However, the leaders relied on recent research to assert that inclusion of young people in every level of business faces a slow steady slope. These claims are not merely gestures, although they make an effective bottom and top-system business worth. From the talk, it was impressive learning about the aging lens. In the United States, the projections declare that leaders will live longer, and despite the career breaks that have taken a hit in their careers.

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However, young people are naturally inclined to take care of others people instead of themselves and coupled with career break these shall have a heavy dent in their savings. Change is gradual when it comes to discovering the biases in the society, and it is not just for the leaders in discovering the bias, it is important to plainly assert that the young people past brush off the past biases, and not negate the influential decision makers. Young people must, therefore, be careful when choosing mentors. Good mentors must be the so-called thinking and trusted mentors, and one that will guide the young women and bring out the best in the young woman. This is often the most challenging step, and due to the fact that people commit to working within such practical constraints of each other's area of responsibilities.

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However, creating the right environment is more of a partnership, and the leader, in this case, has the responsibility to push the walls of what they consider to be realistic, and the employees must correspond with their particulars of interest and adapt to the potential opportunity, which could mean making personal transformations. Creation of the environment might encompass actions that include restructuring of the work and transformation of the manner in which work is completed, and even adjusting the employees that are involved or raining the visibility and appreciation of the performances. According to Tobak (2014) claims that some leaders of the corporate world such as the leadership at Apple score perfect marks when it came to employee motivation. He explained that the late Apple leader used a combination of these techniques to bring the best out of his employees; Knowledge of the employees, feedback, partnering with employees to achieve personal and organizational goals, keeping employees informed and involved, and mutually beneficial rewards.

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Further, it helps others who might be subordinates to speak without fear of reprisal as well as grants good faith to people with an inclination to challenge authority. Straight talk is a vital competency needed by leaders today, and this occurs, and it does not depend on verbal, written, and the body languages and a leader must favor substantive straight talk over common talks. However, I have a difficulty in establishing whether an individual communication is more important than the group or mass communication as the basis for evaluation lacks dimensions. Though, different writers might allude to certain advantages favoring either individual over group communication or the converse. In some literature, group communication has been identified as important over individual communication as its importance lies in its description as a process.

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All these strategies can effective for a leader when communicating to an individual; however, listening unlike the other three might be more important, as it defines the hallmarks of effective communication (DuBrin, 2001). As a leader in the global corporate world, my decision-making process would depend on the circumstance of the situation, but largely driven by intelligence, design, and choice. The structure of the decision-making process was in the following format: detection and definition of the problem, and then the building of decision within the group, thereafter information is collected, then alternatives are identified and evaluated, the decision is made, implementation of the decision, and a follow-up assessment of the decision References Charan, R. , Drotter, S. J. The Steve Jobs Way to Motivate Employees.

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