Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon analysis

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Film

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Within the compound of Sir Te, Lein notices the presence of Jen Yu who is the daughter of Governor Yu. The sword gets stolen later, and Mu Bai and Lein trace it back to governor Yu’s compound where Jade Fox has been staying. Fox after realizing the presence of the inspector Tsai, she challenges him, and before Fox can defeat the inspector and his daughter, Mu Bai arrives. Fox and the masked thief later flees leaving Jen who tries to fight Mu Bai with the Wudang style that she studied and hid from Fox. Lo, a desert bandit storms Jen’s bedroom and wants her to leave with him and she refuses. The next morning Jen stands on a bridge edge and asks Lo to make a wish where Lo wishes for them to be back together in the desert.

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The movie comes to an end as Jen jumps off the bridge as Lo watches with little help. Analysis The movie set was under a conflict between some different sides. The conflict was all about the Green Destiny, and the Wudang techniques only acquired from the master of Wudang teachings. The conflict as a result of the Green Destiny is well reflected within the film from the start. Mu Bai and Fox and Jen are all encircled within the Wudang techniques conflict as well as the Green Destiny sword conflict and find themselves all advancing their skills to fight in resolving that conflict. In resolving the conflict, death is the measure to some extent. It was clear with Fox’s own words that she was good to die after avenging the incidence of Jen denying her the chance to know Wudang techniques.

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Also, she expressed the same through killing Mu Bai’s master earlier on. Mu Bai and Lein in settling the sword conflict decides to hand it over to Sir Te who was the supposed inheritor of the same after Mu Bai had retired. Women in power is another theme that is explicitly provided in the film. Throughout the film most of the characters that play major roles are women and who showcase their mastery of the Chinese martial arts. Jen beats all odds to know the Wudang technique that only Mu Bai knows it through learning it from his master. She exemplifies the women position to acquire skills within a context that can be devoted to being of men caliber. Lein is entrusted by Mu Bai to deliver the sword safely to Sir Te even with the impending dangers being forecasted.

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I was able to learn something of importance not only within the context of the movie but also in real life situations. The art of determination was well explained and expounded within the film in different scenarios. When one is determined to accomplish something, let nothing stop them from doing or accomplishing it. It was well illustrated by the mandate of Mu Bai and Lein who had the obligation and determination of getting the Green Destiny sword to the right hands of Sir Te. It is their determination that leads them to follow the thief and trace the sword to Governor Yu’s compound and then follow up with Fox and Jen until they capture the sword. Mu Bai even though came from retirement to follow the sword, it was confusing to me as to why he had died at the end of the movie, and yet he seemed to be the main character in the whole story.

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It was unclear to me s to why it had to happen like that since expectations in any movie is that the main actor does not die or lives on even with injuries embodying him or her throughout. Jen also throws herself off the bridge having spent the last night with Lo and which could have been expected now since Mu Bai had died she would serve as the next main character. These two instances become unclear to me as to why it took that shape yet they served as the main characters on the protagonist side. Best and least attractive application in the movie Generally, the movie was great and very entertaining to watch every bit of it without moving an eye. Her action to fight with Mu Bai seemed to have been facilitated by the need to take away the Green destiny sword which Mu Bai had kept due to his mastery of the Wudong technique.

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She needed to fight to have the sword as it served as a protector from any form of danger given its powers. With the sword, one got assured of the powers that they could defeat any danger. She also tried to showcase and challenge Mu Bai having learned the Wudang technique secretly and without being taught by any master of martial art. In relation to the theme of mastery and women in power, the actions by Jen tried to prove and help the audience understand the theme better. Even when dealing with the enemies, he does not display his mightiness and only applies the unique techniques when necessary. His character proposes of a person who is not full of himself but rather a down to earth person and who seems to do what is right throughout the film.

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He plays his part very well resulting in my likeness towards him. On the other side, there was another character of whom I found my little and least likeness towards in the general narrative of the film. Fox was the character I least liked in the whole film from the start to the end. It puts the scenery into an old position. It is articulate and positive in linking the movie with the ancient days of the 18th century. The color also was used in contrast with different environments like the river and bamboo scenes making it a real reflection of the environment. It provided to relate the scenes and the action that was happening at each particular moment or time. Music usage Music is another aspect that is always necessary within a movie context and which plays crucial parts towards delivering the message.

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However, some scenes reflected a state of reality given the way it was set up. When Mu Bai is stung with the poisonous darts used by Fox, he succumbs to death before the herbal medicine could arrive. The reality of this seen provided that no human is immortal even with the existence of those powers, death supersedes them all and takes out even the considered mighty ones. In this state, it shows that in the real sense, when such an incidence occurs, it will reflect the same happening and that nothing could be done to save him from that situation. However, the majority of the scenes aligned themselves with the fiction state providing some actions and way of doing things to be beyond the normal human power. References Lee, A. Fat, C.

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Y. Yeoh, M. Ziyi, Z.

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