Face off movie analysis

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Film

Document 1

These still separate images making up the motion pictures are referred to as frames. The audience never realizes that these seemingly continuous motions are really still separate images; this is due to an effect referred to as the persistence of vision. Persistence of vision occurs when the eye retains an image for a very short duration of time after the stimuli that brought it up has been withdrawn, hence the latter impact being creation of an illusion of motion in the eye. The real scenes of a film are photographed using a motion picture camera. The animation films in turn are created by first drawing models then photographing these. It as well touches on the relationship between the motion pictures and other disciplines or arts, such as the film history and film criticism; this is because these fields greatly overlap.

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Film theory involves discussions of elements such as structuralism and semiotics, psychoanalysis, culture study, architecture, photographing as well as femininity portrayed in the film. When looking into the film theory, the type of motion pictures photographed are considered, then a study of the impact that these different types of the pictures have on the mentality and the emotions of the viewers, is also conducted. Being generated long in the past, film theory has been greatly influenced by several theories and opinions over the years. Some of these theories are; structuralism film theory; Marxist film theory; screen theory; formalist film theory; feminist firm theory; auteur theory; and apparatus theory. Formalist theory is a theory that is involved with the formal and quite technical aspects of the motion pictures, for instance, how color has been used and how the sound has been set.

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Feminist film theory, in turn came about as a result of the increasing development of women studies in the film of industry and looks into the politics involving feminism in motion pictures. Auteur theory comes from the French word ‘auteur’ which means ‘author. ’ This theory suggests that the film produced by its director portrays that person’s own creative vision; it was as if the director was the sole author. Film theory explains what makes audiences want to watch movies. It is referred to as a breaking formula because it is based on creation of a situation different from that which people are used to. Another element that can make a movie unique is moving with a completely different structure of the narration, for instance, revealing the story going backwards. The visual style employed in a film can also contribute in making it unique.

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A movie or a film is said not to live up to its full potential when the script has lesser chance to yield a successful finished commodity. This could be because the script, for instance, has been poorly thought and written. Reviewing of films is an art, and involves a critical analysis of every single aspect of the film, commendation of the film’s uniqueness as well as how clear and superiority is. The strengths and the weaknesses of the motion pictures are as well as taken into account. Hence, a person carrying out the process of film reviewing requires knowledge, since an in depth analysis is what is required. Furthermore, film reviewing is not just basically an expression of one’s own personal views and opinions about the motion pictures.

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Movie ‘Face Off’ Story and Details The film ‘Face Off’ is a famous 1997 production movie; being both an action and thriller film. Archer goes after Troy and almost has him. In the meantime, Troy informs Archer about a certain bomb that they have planted some place in the town and is set to go off in just a few days’ time. However, Troy is knocked down to a coma before he can provide Archer any more information about the bomb. Pollux, his accomplice, is also caught and arrested. A confirmation about this bomb information is confirmed when a disk relating the same information is uncovered from Pollux’s belongings. He therefore assumes the roles and life of Archer. Troy then visits Archer in prison and makes a mockery of how he deleted all the evidence pointing to the real identity of Archer.

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He then convinces Pollux to admit to the location of the bomb so that he can be released from prison. Troy, as Archer, gains fame when he goes to disable the bomb. Of course the audience considers this as ‘miraculous’ disarming, which wasn’t since Troy knew the codes needed to disarm the bomb, having been behind its creation. In his anger and grief over his brother, Troy, as Archer, kills Lazarro, and makes it appear a heart attack; an action which results to his being promoted to Acting President. Later on, Archer, as Troy, meets Eve. He tries convincing her that he really is Archer, and mentions about his blood being O while that of Troy being AB. Eve takes a sample of ‘Archer’s’ blood while he sleeps and performs the experiment at the laboratory, where he realizes that the man he has been with these dew days is not really her husband, but Troy Castor.

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He finds Archer, as Troy, in the laboratory, and informs him that Troy, as Archer, will be most vulnerable during the funeral of Lazarro. Eve earlier on had informed the FBI agents about the real identity of the seemingly Troy, so when they arrive at the scene, they address Archer y his real name and position. What a relief that is for Archer. Finally, a face transplant is carried out and Archer gets his face back. He then goes back on, where he comes with Adam, whom they agree to adopt as part of their family. Analysis of the movie ‘Face Off’ The movie ‘Face Off’ can be analyzed according to the theory of structuralism or semiotics. The kinds of deaths portrayed in this film are those that are quick, hence people do not undergo way too much suffering.

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The count of the dead bodies throughout the film is not as big as most of the action movies though. In fact, this count is quite constant throughout the entire duration of the motion pictures. Visual elements These include aspects of the film such as color, texture, form, line and shape applied in a film. These cover everything starting from the special effects to the angle of the camera. The music, for instance, played in the church is a good example of production elements employed in the ‘Face Off’ film. Roles of People in the film In the ‘Face Off’ film, Castor Troy and Archer play their roles just perfectly. Especially incredible is when the two switch faces, and assume one another’s roles and ways of lives. Troy, for instance, plays the character of Archer so well, that rarely do his work colleagues, even Archer’s own wife, notice.

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The same is the case where Archer assumes the character of Troy so well that he even manages to convince Pollux to tell him where the bomb us. It employs aspects of top movies in the world. Therefore it is one of the movies that I will recommend to most friends. Works cited Mast, G. Cohen, M. Braudy, L. Westlake, M.  Film theory: An introduction. Manchester University Press. Weise, T. Li, H. Cohen, M. Braudy, L.  Film theory and criticism: introductory readings. New York: Oxford University Press. Balázs, B. T. S. Y. Manning, P. Narrative, content, and semiotic analysis.

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