Definition of System Development Life Cycle
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Technology
The Role and Impact of Project Manager The project manager has the following roles to play in system development life cycle. As the name suggests, a project manager is supposed to provide comprehensive project management through coordinating IMB and vendor technical resources. He is also responsible for ensuring SDLC and IMB standards are adhered to. He plans and defines the scope of a project. This involves coming up with a plan and a strategy and determining what is to be done in a project. He is in charge of the other staff in the project is he is, therefore, the head. He documents all the required information in a project. He also comes up with charts and schedules that show phases of project execution. A project manager teams up with other businesses, collaborates with other institutions and also partners with other businesses.
He also works with software vendors and any other person who may be part of the project. System analyst will often work with a business analyst who identifies the business need and come up with a solution. The system analyst is involved in evaluating and modifying the code and reviewing scripting. A system analyst has the following impacts on system development life cycle. He identifies, understands and plan for organizational and human impacts of planned systems and ensuring proper integration of technical requirements. He plans a system flow from bottom to top and interacts with internal and external users to learn and document the requirements. Producing detailed specifications and writes the program codes. He tests products in controlled and real-life situations before they go live. He prepares training materials for the end users and other employees in the organization.
These manuals are used for training purposes, and also they can be used to improve systems. The internal software developer maintains the software ones they are running. If they develop a program, they identify the functional requirements of the departments that will use the software. The management the skills they need for each development project and train members. They monitor the performance of the team members against strategic targets and provide mentoring and training where necessary. The upper management is also involved in scheduling to ensure projects are completed in time. They coordinate development schedules with the dates of releasing software as planned by the marketing team. Therefore, the end users should be highly trained on how to use the system for the organization to run smoothly. The end users also assist in the analysis and research that is associated with system development life cycle.
When the project manager is conducting tests, the tests will be greatly involved. Also, project managers may go picking modules champions from the end users who are more often volunteers. These champions act as peer trainers and ‘experts' on modules they are trained on. Moros, B. García, F. Requirements reuse for improving information systems security: a practitioner’s approach. Requirements Engineering, 6(4), 205-219. Hughes, B. Moe, T. L. Success criteria and factors for international development projects: A life‐cycle‐based framework. Project Management Journal, 39(1), 72-84.
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