Difference between a sensitive and specific case definition for a disease

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health Care

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Basically, the difference emanating from sensitivity and specificity case definition for an ill health posits that, sensitive case definition implies the proportionality among every persons affected by the disease especially in the sample of study as identified by case definition. In addition, very common diseases such as fever from Ebola disease is responsive to making epidemiologists choosing the use of a case definition that is very sensitive so as to show a wide net (Van Wijhe et al. However, they do this in order to avoid missing of some emerging cases which may progressively bring about the spread of a given stipulated disease. With reference to the same kind of definition, sensitivity case definition which is rigid in nature can enhance proper catching up of the absolute relevant cases.

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Moreover, such kind of case definition may not only ensure catching up of the real cases but it can also bring about inclusion of persons who are uninfected by the culminating ill health. Thereafter, hypothesis concerning about the source or cause should be developed. The sixth step involves hypotheses evaluation as well as refining and if possible conduct any additional studies, implement controls and measures of prevention. The last step therefore involves communication of the findings. Nonetheless, on preparation for investigation, the following are involved before setting up for investigation: do the research pertaining to a given known disease so as to focus on its symptoms, its transmission modes, case definitions as well as measures of controls where necessary. In addition, necessary equipment should be listed and one should ensure that everything important for the exercise is available to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

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The next step is hypothesis development. Generally, hypothesis generation is usually done through interview sessions concerning the stipulated disease. Moreover, its generation is done in a conscious manner in a bid to focus on the available comparisons, contrasts as well as correlations. Nevertheless, the seventh step is hypotheses evaluation. Often, some circumstances like epidemiological description tends to focus on a given source and therefore there is no need for further analysis (Sørup et al. However, the use of surveillance plan in measurement of the effects of tuberculosis on a given population as a control program may give data in just few years especially through surveys on health and demographics. Nevertheless, the attributes making the disease worth surveillance includes the following: consistency, comparability, efficiency, measurability as well as compatibility.

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Elaborately, consistency implies that the data gotten from the laboratory data analysis should show consistent results that can be articulately be used in rational decision. However, on matters about comparability, implies that data received from the laboratory test be compared with the result before the infection. Moreover, comparability also means that data from the exposed individuals can be compared with the data from non-exposed individuals to ensure efficient data analysis for rational judgement (Van Wijhe et al. Fortunately, these organizations have posited that the one administered through injection are safe as well as less painful. Succinctly, research has stipulated that the two methods of polio vaccination are safer to administer during pregnancy state as well as for individuals having symptoms of HIV/AIDS in their system.

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