Different Git workflows Comparison

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Technology

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al, pg. In its application, Git involves continuously changing codes which are either added during website development or general application. It’s also an efficient system in tracking revisions carried out on already existing stored data. It’s an easily shareable, simple and flexible system which was designed not only for speed and efficiency in relation to web and product development but also to help minimize the resources needed. Git is made up of different workflows which help developers deliver better coded websites or applications. Branches within the Git feature are defined as the independent tracks used in project development. A new branch is therefore created for each new feature and provides a platform for its testing before it’s forwarded to the other stages of product development. Once they are ready, feature branches are forwarded and merged to their master branches to be released for the next stage of the project development.

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Feature branch workflow in Git works under the assumption that all developers in a team project are well aware of all entities of the project. A feature branch is only ready if it’s checked and verified of all possible errors (Tutorial, pg. However it is not viable to give unlimited repo access to a project to different individuals who have the ability to change the codes to their own codes which they view as more useful and important than other. Forking workflow solves such issues in open source projects. For an individual developer in a project team to change the codes in such projects, they do not directly clone the repository; they however can create a copy by forking it from the initial existing codes. Once they are done with their input and changes, they can release the codes to the project lead and the entire team to review their changes and decide whether to keep and merge them to the overall project or discard them in general.

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Forking workflow is in many aspects similar to feature workflow apart from its unique ability of creating copies of the repository (Stanisic, et. Developers can use the workflow they see best fit for their project. In additional to these pros, Git is also fast and allows users to work both online and offline and make changes quickly when need arises. Data corruption from external sources in Git is also very limited because its systems are based on SHAI trees which withhold data integrity. Finally, Git is free and reduces the sum of the overall costs incurred in project development (Stanisic, et. al, pg. al, 2018). For example, a biometric electric voting system can be stimulated to test whether it matches a voter’s fingerprint to their name and identification while at the same time preventing them to vote multiple times once they have cast their initial vote.

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Testing in software development removes bugs, and ensures that both the software and hardware in a system is performing as expected (McLaughlin, et. al, 2018). Testing can either be classified as either functional testing or non-functional testing. Secondly, bugs all possible bugs in a software can be automatically tested in both functional and non-functional tests making them efficient. Manual testing is slow and prone to many human errors making it obsolete in modern day software requirements in the digital world. Automated testing has also made it possible for both functional and non-functional tests to be carried out simultaneously. This not only saves times, but also identifies linked bugs that affect both functional and non-functional aspects of a software. Automated testing also allows volumes of tests which are run simultaneously in both functional and non-functional testing (Myers, et.

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and Danjean, V. An effective git and org-mode based workflow for reproducible research.  ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 49(1), pp. Tutorial, A. G. Myers, G. J. Sandler, C. and Badgett, T.  The art of software testing. Patent 9,910,764.

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