Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Technology

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It is in many cases categorized as a social issue in the world this being from the differing levels of amount of information in which those with access to the internet are able to acquire and those without unable to acquire. In addition to this, the digital divide is also as the social, economic and educational inequalities in which those with access to technology and those with no access are able to acquire. In recent times digital split has been defined as the different rate at which different groups are able to adopt the technology. (digital agenda) Although digital split is defined as the difference between accesses to the internet it is important to mention that widely discussing the difference is never important determined by access of the internet but also by the access to different stages of technologies when it comes to Information Communications Technologies.

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Therefore, it is conclusive to point out that digital split in many cases appears under different contexts. Income is also a studied factor that has been observed to attribute to the factors that widen the digital divide. From different studies show that the different levels of household income in a major way play the role in increasing the digital gap. This is because through the study, telecommunication infrastructure is often viewed to be available to the wealthier communities this is because through this wealthier communities the digital companies are able to acquire the ability to develop their companies and thus able to establish themselves which leaves the less fortunate a their status is less appealing to this technology companies for them to invest their time and technological expertise thus increasing this divide.

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In the racial lines, the divide continues to increase, from different studies carried out in the years 1994 and 1998 they show that the digital split grew by 39. 2% and 42. As of this a lot of encouragement has been founded particularly in the development of resources and computer access centers. City Skills is a nonprofit initiative that is majorly done online. This online community has been able to bridge this gap by extending the information on technology and how it has been used in empowering may people. Public libraries from the Microsoft initiative is also another way in which the foundation has been able to bridge the divide. This is so as through this access to technology in public libraries that have the low income are able to acquire the internet and share information at the same time get some from it.

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The United Nations also bore other initiatives whose main aim is to raise the awareness that the digital split has caused all over the world. This is done through a World Information Society Day that is celebrated yearly on the May 17. The United Nations Volunteers program, a program that through online platforms is able to offer online volunteering services to its member. From this, the population is able to realize the benefit that ICT gives a developing country. Attempts by the population to bridge the digital divide are also seen when it comes to the newly created libraries. There are many ways in which the digital split can be narrowed aside for the obvious financial barriers that are already being worked on.

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Increase in use of computers and other technology machines results in an increase in the need for access to the internet itself. Therefore it is necessary to make the public sector realize the level of importance that granting universal access to the community at-large has in reducing this divide and take the necessary measures in actually taking this measures to ensure that this is actually done. More so unlike the public sector aiming at ensuring access to the public the private sector should also step up in the provision of the same and equal service when it comes to the rural areas and other underserved communities. From this also comes the need for the public to have a change when it comes to its attitude towards technology and the impact that it has on the nation.

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Access to the internet and the technology that comes with it is not enough. This is because different communities and schools that have gained access to the ICT world must also gain the necessary training not only for the staff but also for the children. Being able to educate people to use the internet should be what the government should implement next when it comes to bridging this gap. As from this qualified staff are able to be acquired and thus promoting the best application when it comes to the provision of the internet access. Ability to overhaul the analog laws for the digital era. References. D, c. M. A cross-country analysis of computer and internet penetration. Retrieved from http://www.

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