Diversity Management as it relates to Race in Healthcare

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

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It is also common to see physicians and clinical healthcare officers struggling to understand and meet these people’s needs. Disparities in the healthcare workforce persist despite racially diverse students being allowed to study and graduate in health administration studies (Jackson & Gracia, 2014). The situation has led to an upsurge in the call for increased racial diversity in the nation’s healthcare workforce. Researchers have proven that healthcare organizations with diverse leadership panels are more effective in serving a diverse clientele. Similarly, organizations that inculcate diversity in their health management training programs end up with more cultural competent employees. However, while the movement was premised on fairness and social justice, the recent calls are based on evidence that a diverse healthcare workforce has the propensity to enhance care delivery and the effectiveness of healthcare organizations (Birk, 2012).

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Numerous research studies have highlighted the ever-increasing racial disparities in healthcare, and they all conclude that the nation’s health system does not sufficiently address the needs of minority citizens. As such, they propose, increasing the diversity of the United States healthcare workforce will enhance not only the cultural competency of employees but also their multicultural sensitivity which is essential for the proper functioning of the health care system. Application and Transfer It is essential for healthcare professionals to acknowledge that patients are just as different culturally as they are medically. Dr. It outlines that citizens cannot be denied health services on the basis of their race, color or nationality (Sastre-Fullana, De Pedro-Gómez, Bennasar-Veny, Serrano-Gallardo & Morales-Asencio, 2014). All programs funded by the United States Department of Health and Human Services must incorporate the functions of translators to aid those who do not comprehend English.

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Another relevant law is the 2005 New Jersey Senate Bill 144 that requires physicians to undergo cultural competency training before they can attain licensure. It is a landmark law as other states have followed with similar laws (Sastre-Fullana, De Pedro-Gómez, Bennasar-Veny, Serrano-Gallardo & Morales-Asencio, 2014). A third law that seeks to enforce cultural competence among health care professionals is the Office of Minority Health’s National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) (Sastre-Fullana, De Pedro-Gómez, Bennasar-Veny, Serrano-Gallardo & Morales-Asencio, 2014). They should also involve their organizations in the development of mentoring programs that seek to enhance the relationship between them and racially diverse employees. Finally, they should provide scholarships and career advancement support to racially diverse, competent employees so that they get the opportunity to participate in leadership programs. Evaluation The recommendations above are tried and tested and they have shown the propensity to attract and keep professionals from all racial backgrounds in all levels of the healthcare system.

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It has been established that racial diversity in health care is crucial in the quest to eliminate health and health care disparities in the United States. But diversity in itself is not enough. They must also research and immerse themselves into different cultures to be culturally knowledgeable (Baack & Fischer, 2013). With the two, it will be easy to practice and perfect cultural skills that help them in the assessment of cultural information for patients to provide them with the best quality of care possible. References Baack, D. Fischer, A. The Essentials of Managing in the Healthcare Industry. Addressing Health and Health-Care Disparities: The Role of a Diverse Workforce and the Social Determinants of Health. Public Health Report. Suppl 2): 57–61. Retrieved 9th July, 2018 from https://www. ncbi. kjhpa. Rytterström, P. Unosson, M. Arman, M.

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Care culture as a meaning-making process: a study of a mistreatment investigation. Retrieved 9th July, 2018 from http://onlinelibrary. wiley. com/doi/10. inr.

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