Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Religion

Document 1

This paper looks at the structure and the most important details of the content of this Lumen Gentium. The mystery pertaining the church as set by Christ Jesus is highlighted in chapter one. It discusses the Christ as humanity’s light. The proclaiming of the gospel to all people so that they may hear about the good news about Jesus is giving them light. This light shines from the church, and therefore it is its responsibility to spread it out to every creature. He then promised to send the helper to be with the people that had accepted him and believed that indeed he is the son of God. These were the disciples, and on the day of the Pentecost, they received the Holy Ghost who continually sanctifies them.

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From then, they all had access to the Father in one spirit through the son. The spirit bears witness to the church, and his dwelling place is in the hearts of those of belief in Christ. Also, the spirit of God bestows upon the Christians various spiritual gifts that are hierarchic and charismatic. Though the church advances in tribulations and trials, there is given the grace of God which helps those being persecuted for the sake of Christ Jesus to stay put and overcome their hard situations. Through perseverance in prayers and praising God, the Disciples of Christ should offer themselves as a sacrifice. They should not only be righteous but holy, blameless in all their ways so that they should be pleasing to God himself.

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In this way, they are qualified to be witnesses of Christ as they proclaim o his goodness and mercies which endures forever and the plan of salvation for humanity. Likewise, anyone who is not in Christ or has not yet heard about the gospel of Jesus should be told about it by these witnesses who have dedicated themselves to the service of God. Their successors were bishops that took over after them, and therefore they became the church shepherds that took over the offices from the founding disciples. They are to work and go on with the fulfillment of the task until the end of the world. The Lord himself, after having a lengthy prayer to the father in heaven, summoned his disciples and sent them to preach the gospel.

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They took the divine powers which were the power of the living and mighty God, and the authority of the Lord himself and then went to the villages and towns, preaching to everyone that could listen to them. They were like a permanent assembly, preferably a college with Peter as their head. The spirit guides them and presses upon them in a ceaseless manner to accomplish the complete task and useful work which they are given to do. Regardless of the position that one holds in the church, Christ Jesus offers a share of his priestly office to those who intimately join him to partake in his mission and life. This indicates that the laity is dedicated as well as anointed by the Holy Spirit.

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Furthermore, they are called in this grace so that they may produce even richer fruits in their priestly undertaking, work, and prayers. They are further guaranteed that if they persevere through the hardships of life and sufferings for the sake of Christ, all these shall be accepted as sacrifices to Christ. The church has to unfailingly holy to maintain its sacredness. The Christ is the foundation of the church and therefore is referred to as the only holy one. The sacred Lord chose and gave his love for the church as his bride, and so the church has to abide by holiness so that it fits its sacred role. Grace, therefore, sanctifies the church and its fruits that come forth as a result of this grace.

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