Dr norman borlaug's life and impact of his work

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:History

Document 1

In the Norman Rockwell-esque little farm, he managed to learn much about work ethics and ethics. More importantly, he managed to be inculcated by his family, mentors and teachers from the farm. Besides, he was lucky enough to afford only little initiation education which was offered to the kids in the community in a one-room building as the school (Diener pp 1). The poor state of the school and the poverty taught him the necessary courage that would ensure he learnt about the harsh life realities, particularly of the prairie farms. Most people in society and kids studying in the school were brought together by desperation, and they could be united to work and cooperate in most activities. It was his wrestling skills that gave him the opportunity to study at the University of Minnesota.

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It is as well important to note the significance of the rural roads while living in the poor Iowa state. According to him, he learnt that it is important for the people to understand the need of spreading the word about the most recent agricultural innovation and the assistance the farmers needed to enable them to reach their agricultural products to the market (Lambert pp 215). More specifically, the Great Depression had adversely affected Iowa state and families were displaced, and their farm's foreclosure. Farm-to-market roads were constructed and would be used to promote agricultural production, as well as ensure the transportation of the children from their homes to the schools and in accessing the needed medical care. For instance, he would work in college coffee shops and serve foods in parked cars and sorority houses (Henderson pp 52).

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His forestry course, he would obtain a job during the summer as a ranger with the Forestry Service of the United States that was located along the Salmon River in Idaho and was later changed to Massachusetts. It was the summer jobs that motivated him to embrace the forest solitude and later become the full employee of Forest Service. Before his graduate graduation, he had been informed that he could not immediately receive a full-time job as a Forest Ranger and he had to wait for six months. The information prompted him into delaying his graduation and pursue additional courses in the institution to wait for his graduation and full-time employment. He served in the institution up to the point when he was released to go and serve in the wartime.

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Career Dr Borlaug had graduated during the second world war and would go to offer his services to the DuPont Corporation. However, it did not take quite long before was employed to engage in a fledgeling project for research. He accepted Rockefeller Foundation’s job offer after his obligatory wartime service offered at DuPont. He would witness the plight of the poverty-stricken farmers of wheat in the area. For seventeen years he worked in the firm and attempted to solve the problems that characterised the wheat production not only on the farm but in the whole country. Moreover, the problems in wheat production had been a problem in the country for a quite long time and inhibited the growth of the wheat cultivation and production in Mexico (Kleinman pp 611).

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The use of irrigation and fertilizer by Borlaug for his new varieties of wheat were quite important in helping achieve the good result he had always wanted in agricultural production. There was self-sufficiency in Mexico in Mexico due to his new varieties of wheat in the agricultural production. Impacts on agricultural production Besides, he was involved in the training programs aimed at educating young scientists to help improve the cultivation and production of wheat in the country. More importantly, the problem of the developing countries had been contributed to by the population explosion after the war. Mass starvation and famine had affected most of the developing countries after the second world war especially the Indian sub-continent. Over 140 million lives had been lost due to famine, and there was much need to help save the world from multiple deaths.

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Dr Borlaug was involved in saving the world through his training services. He used his experience in Mexico in convincing the farmers to work together with him and brought together the divided leaders of Pakistan and India to welcome his new agricultural approach. As a son to a poor immigrant who escaped Norway because of extreme food shortages, he was then being honoured for having improved agricultural production and increased the supply of food across the world. He is remembered as the only agricultural scientist who managed to win a Nobel Peace Prize. More specifically, he is one of the least known Nobel Peace Prize winners among the usual winners in society. It is as well important to note that he continued with his great work even after receiving such a great recognition (Acevedo pp 85).

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