Drug abuse prevention

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health Care

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The institutions play a significant role in controlling the high rate of drug abuse by the students by making sure that the supply of these drugs has been burned from the institutions. There should also be laid down some of the necessary programs which will be condemned on the abuse of drugs to the society. Several supporting theories have come out vividly and show the impact of the abuse of drugs on the institutions and nation as a whole. The high rate of drug abuse has lowered on the productivity level of the employees in the organization thus slowing down on the scale of growth and development of the economy. Proposed Intervention Drug abuse prevention can be best described using three components.

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The program is also set based on the college curriculum and concentrates on enlightening students on various vital information of drugs and equipping such knowledge and skills to students to make them make informed decisions particularly on matters of drug abuse. It also gives them the power to resists the external pressure that compels them to apply the use of drugs. The [program also serves to provide care and counseling as well as other necessary support from professionals, agencies as well as students and even parents. • Designing strategies that ensure that all members of the college participate in supporting the school's programs, policies and other relevant procedures for addressing drug issues around the school to help reduce and suffocate all instance and prevent drug abuse in Kingsborough community college.

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• Developing the right professional development as well as training for some concerned staff and also provide support for parents particularly the parents of the illicit drug victims as well as other unsanctioned drug use. This is because it is the sole responsibility of schools to enlighten the students about issues and ideas and to impart knowledge as well as establishing values that help to uphold good health among the student. And shun away from drug use or control drug use and not to adjust behaviors since it could be influenced by other external factors that are away from the vicinity of the school. There are high concerns that the present generation might not age well as compared to the old generation.

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This is due to their multiple challenges emerging from the massive consumption of different drugs including the smoking of cigarettes as many people are developing even more health risks such as diabetes, kidney stones and obesity among many other health problems that have increased in the past 20 years. Obesity is one of the critical health risks that can lead to other health risks including high cholesterol, joint pain, and even hypertension (Ogden et al. The supporting theory There are a lot of assumptions that support the impacts of drug abuse in society. Hawking reviewed on various studies that tried to identify what causes the students in colleges to abuse drugs. Fortunately, they discussed on the specific uncertainties associated factors that occurred at the community level besides the individual level (Dart et al.

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From his theory, the cause of the increased rate of drug abuse was extreme poverty level in conjunction with the peer influence in the higher learning institutions. About this, the theory tries to state on the need of taking some of the preventive actions that are needed to prevent and control the high rate of drug abuse within in the country. Most of the students in higher learning institutions have been abusing the drugs hence the immediate introduction of the prevention initiatives for instance introduction educational and skill pieces of training, presentation of the training programs for most of the parents for monitoring besides communicating to their youths on the adverse effects of abusing drugs. Also, there have been some of the enforcement of the state rules and regulations regarding substance use.

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The most focused drugs that there have been lost of emphasis include marijuana, tobacco, and alcohol because of their availability to the society. According to the research, some programs and events happen in our community which influences the youths to abuse the drugs such as the advertisements which promote the abuse of drugs by showing some of the positive implications of the violence of the drugs (Volkow 2014). As a result of this, most of the youths would be influenced to take medicines which are unhealthy and increase uncertainties because of the associated diseases. , Wadsworth, K. N. , O'Malley, P. M. , Johnston, L. C. , Surratt, H. L. , Cicero, T. J. C. , Surratt, H. L. , Cicero, T. J. M. , & Chou, R. CDC guideline for prescribing opioids for chronic pain—United States, 2016.

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