Drug and substance abuse treatment

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Computer Science

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These elements of drug abuse may become persistence making it difficult for the addicts to control the behaviors despite the harmful consequences.    Addiction occurs in individuals when repeated use of a substance changes how the individual’s brain operates over time. The change from voluntary to compulsive use of drugs shows changes in a person’s brain natural reward and inhibition centers that keep the individual from exerting reasonable control over the impulse to apply the substance despite the adverse effects. Some individuals are more vulnerable to substance abuse when compared to other groups. Societal and cultural norms influence the acceptable standards of drug abuse in society. Nurses should be able to identify the best strategies that can help when dealing with drug and substance addicts. The adolescent is a vulnerable group that should be helped, so drug and substance abuse do not affect their future.

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Also, the effects of substance abuse may turn worse and costly to treat, thus affecting government and family expenditures.   PICOT Question Among adolescents with a history of substance abuse, what is the effect of intensive inpatient therapy on recovery compared with outpatient therapy over a one-year period? Population: Adolescents with a history of substance abuse Intervention: Intensive inpatient therapy  Comparison: Outpatient therapy  O: Recovery  T: Over a one-year period This paper will focus on the PICOT question that suggests that intensive inpatient therapy on recovery is an effective way of treating adolescents with substance abuse, by focusing on evidenced-based studies.   Major Concepts/Themes Gestalt Therapy This type of therapy can be described as a client-centered approach when it comes to psychotherapy that is applied to help clients focus on the present so they can be able to understand what is taking place in their lives at that particular moment.

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Addiction experts understand how addiction works and may be of great help when helping addicts to maintain their objective pursuit (Trudeau, Black, Kamon & Sussman, 2017).    The article talks of an internet-based relapse prevention program for drug addicts. Health experts may be able to monitor their clients through internet thus keeping touch with their progress and helping them from possibilities of relapse. Prepress Monitoring (PM) The concept of progress monitoring is another strategy that can help in managing drug abuse among young people. PM can be described as the periodic and reliable assessment of the progress of clients to evaluate and inform phsycho-therapeutic treatment. The data was extracted from a comprehensive national database, the Behavioral Healthcare Performance Measurement System (BHPMS) of the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors Research Institute (NRI), Inc.

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comprised Article 2: Barriers and Facilitators to Treatment Engagement Among Clients in Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Level VI - because it is a descriptive/qualitative/physiologic study. The study involves semi structured interview of 60 individuals. All the transcripts were loaded to ATLAS, a qualitative software program. Article 3: Gestalt Therapy Applied: A Case Study with an Inpatient Diagnosed with Substance Use and Bipolar Disorders Level VI- Because it is a one descriptive/qualitative/physiologic study. For instance, the studies had very few samples with most of them, ranging from 50 to 200 participants. The few participants used in the study may affect the reliability of the studies. However, only one of the studies had 9000 participants,  Study Design The articles mostly contained primary research, thus increasing their levels of authenticity. Primary research provides first-hand information and becomes more relevant when the time gap of the research is not in the distant past.

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Despite the application of quantitative techniques, descriptive analysis was also done in the article, thus acting as complementary to one another, an aspect that broadens the understanding of the results (Cousineau, 2005). Another article used 129 subjects for the investigation. The research focused much on people between 13 to 23 years, thus qualifying for adolescence group. The randomized exercise should have used more samples, even in different health facilities to make it more relevant in other regions. Only one of the studies had a large number of participants of around 9,500 subjects. Also, most of the studies had different proportions of participants in terms of race, gender, and socio-economic status. The concept of gelstat therapy is also similar to intensive inpatient therapy considering the fact that it involves observing clients as a whole entity and is likely to be a long term strategy.

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  Progress monitoring and relapse prevention concepts differ from inpatient intensive therapy because they are likely to be outpatient designed. The two may involve online monitoring or just communication with clients to check their progress, unlike intensive inpatient therapy that may have to be done in a hospital.   The research has various recommendations with most of them focusing on the need for future researchers to involve more study subjects to increase their validity and reliability.                 References Aiach Dominitz, V. Zimmermann, Z. Baird, T. The Lexicon of Drug Abuse. Journal Of Drug Abuse, 02(01). doi: 10. Chek, M. Comparative study on the complex samples design features using SPSS Complex Samples, SAS Complex Samples and WesVarPc. International Journal Of Academic Research In Business And Social Sciences, 8(4). doi: 10. ijarbss/v8-i4/4238 Pattison, S. doi: 10. j. jsat. Russell, K.

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Gillis, H. Kamon, J. Sussman, S. A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Online Relapse Prevention Program for Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment. Child & Youth Care Forum, 46(3), 437-454. doi: 10.

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