Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Health Care

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In the process, they engage in substance abuse, and of course, addiction. A global study reveals a worrying trend in the rate of drug abuse among adolescents. In fact, it is currently one of the leading public health issues that most countries tend to confront financially to eradicate yet nothing substantive has since occurred. The impacts of drug abuse are diverse as they affect nearly all sectors of the society – politically, economically, socially, and culturally. Therefore, the only appropriate strategy left for the United Kingdom to curtail this menace posed to threaten the future generation is to focus on resilience-based prevention of drug misuse. History of Substance Use and Misuse Drug use in the United Kingdom has had inconsistent trend for ages now. However, a severe decline has occurred over the past years; however, cannabis and alcohol still leading in preference among youths.

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Despite being an illegal product, the use of marijuana has not changed for years (Aldridge, Measham and Williams, 2011). Besides, the powdered cocaine has the remained the top stimulant in the United Kingdom. By 2007/08, cocaine powder was in the second position among most common substances that adolescents would easily sneak into schools and joints. The heroine for instance, is currently the leading illegal drug in the United Kingdom whose use has the highest harm to both users and communities around. For some time now, scholars have raised concerns over the increasing rate of youths injecting drugs into their systems. An example is the introduction of amphetamines into the circulatory system by the college students. Even though the use of this route had almost gone to extinction before, the rate at which it gains preference among adolescents is demanding (Unodc.

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org. This category of individuals came from either drug-addict families or was in the company of drug users. Finally, there was this group of people who were ready to use whatever the substance it was as long as it would keep them awake for long at night (Unodc. org. A result from a recent British Crime Survey also complies with this finding as it reveals that over 50% of youths have at some point used illicit drugs. The most rampant segment of the population is that of adolescents aged between sixteen and twenty-four years. In essence, drug abuse has become a universal aspect whose impacts reach all levels in the society. The worrying trend of substance use and misuse in the United Kingdom has triggered a series of challenges (Unodc. org. The most common ones include social, economic, behavioral, and physical incapacitations.

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As a result, this widespread misuse of psychoactive substances among adolescents in the United Kingdom requires the engagement of proactive healthcare personnel. For instance, lack of political goodwill has hampered the implementations of individual proposals by governmental and non-governmental organizations. Similarly, countries such as England and Wales have different policies and ideologies geared towards managing the dangers of drug use among the youthful population. Therefore, unless these approaches become harmonized, the fight for safe health is likely to take longer than expected. Introduction of public health awareness campaigns is a better strategy to manage the impending danger of substance abuse among adolescents. Historically, the United Kingdom has been in the spotlight for its engagement in maximizing safety profiles of both legal and illegal products. In essence, these models have been used worldwide as they propose and create awareness on positive living.

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Primarily, the Harm Reduction Strategies apply in treating those who have reached the terminal ends of their health status (Hickle and Hallett, 2015). Nevertheless, these approaches have even broader scope in the general wellbeing of youths and children to reduce chances of violation of their rights. For instance, their use has been efficient in managing domestic violence against drug and substance users. Four components of Harm Reduction Model are currently available, making it easy to for the public health personnel to implement their desired interventions. Reaching out to these people and involving them in severe psychological, emotional, and physical rejuvenation may divert their attention from the illegal consumption of uncensored substances. In the United Kingdom, Youths and Gender Ministries have dispatched their teams to the grass root to help with the process of discovering these individuals (Emcdda.

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europa. eu. Once detected, there are laid foundations in which the healthcare professionals combine their skills to manage health-related issues that are evidence to an individual. The aim was to supplement the traditional treatment regimen that most of them used at that time. Besides, the government also launched into core responses aimed at preventing and lowering other instances of contracting diseases (Hickle and Hallett, 2015). There was massive campaign regarding needle and syringe programs. Here, doctors and the general public received some structured questionnaires that would guide their accessibilities of the desired services. Besides, the authority began testing, treatment, and vaccination of infections. In fact, these were like recreational centers where an individual would promise never to repeat the mistakes. Treatment Strategies for Drug and Substance Users Like most other countries, the United Kingdom is under obligation to implement the drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation procedures adopted by the United Nations.

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The United Nations International Drug Control Program has laid the foundation for other countries to emulate when handling the drug and substance users (Aldridge, Measham and Williams, 2011). It addresses the planning for as well as the implementation of the treatment regimen for those affected. First, it provides for an international consensus on how all countries can design treatment strategy aimed at preventing further damage on the selected population. The core aspects under consideration include familial, economic, and social and criminal challenges that are likely to attract such victims into substance misuse. Furthermore, the state agencies use their mandate to set professional standards and conduct among healthcare personnel. It is a definite move as it reduces possibilities of discriminations directed to patients (Keene, 2010). It also enhances competency among the individuals targeted for the quality state of life for those on rehabilitation.

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Lastly, the United Kingdom has succeeded in downplaying formal and informal barriers that are likely to reduce the extent of accessibility of services. As part of the response, the government has initiated preventative policies that seek lower further devastating impacts on the users. Most of these policies are legislative in nature; hence, have a wider scope. The focus is to reduce the harm caused by these illegal substances in the society. In collaboration with the healthcare professionals, the government has launched enforcement strategies that ensure the available laws apply in all sectors of the economy (Keene, 2010). As a result, the first major concern is to reduce the demand for these detrimental substances. Principles of Harm Reduction and how they relate to Local, National and International Drug Policies Harm reduction refers to a set of strategies employed by different countries to mitigate the negative impacts of substance abuse.

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The challenge facing harm reduction is the lack of standard implementation requirements since it targets specific communities affected by drug misuse. It has certain principles that provide guideline to policy makers both at local, national, or international levels (Hickle and Hallett, 2015). For instance, it expects different government agencies to consider drug use as complex and multifaceted engagement with continuum of characters involved. Thus, it does not allow for sporadic use of force but rather using the victims as the agents of restoration. Measham, F. and Williams, L. Illegal leisure revisited. Changing patterns of alcohol and drug use in adolescents and young adults. London and New York: Routledge. eu/country-data/harm-reduction/UnitedKingdom [Accessed 29 Mar. Hickle, K. and Hallett, S. Mitigating harm: Considering harm reduction principles in work with sexually exploited young people.

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Children & Society, 30(4), pp.

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