Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Sociology

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The same chapter invokes little information with the traditional heterosexist and relation the background to the essential concepts of Pascoe's analysis. Finally, the paper adjourns by providing keys issues in summary that was discussed in the upper sections. The conclusion part avails the various practical interventions that the government and other non-governmental organizations can be put into practice to help the issues of masculinity and male sexuality that has become a disaster in all communities of the world. Introduction Pascoe C. J. The men and women bodied students enact the theme of masculinity, the book also explores some related issues to the society, for example, the reparations of having a strict gendered social order. The discussion of Pascoe in her book had impacted me a lot this is because some of the concepts explained in the book at one time affected me when I was still in high school and more I learned in a mixed school where the majority race were the white students and teachers.

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Out of 4456 students, only 1566 were black American citizens Bridges2. The black minority students especially I suffered due to some of the gender stereotypes and masculinity being practiced in the school fraternity. The paper aims at analyzing various concepts explained by Pascoe in her book and applying them to my high school life experience and to discern whether there are some similarities. Sadly, most of the schools tend to perpetuate the hetero-normative culture which discriminates and stigmatizes leaners who express the deviant sexual behaviors for example if the particular behaviors are perceived as gay or lesbian5. In my high school, the administration ignored or went silent on the informal sexuality curriculum. And this led to internalized homophobia, isolation leading to emotional and psychological issues to many students who different sexual orientation.

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Moreover, there some students believed to be either gay or lesbians. They experienced marginalization and violence, and this is because they were laughed at and discriminated based on their opposite sexual orientations6. Out teacher stressed so much on boy-girl pairing, and those who went against their instruction were severely punished. It should be understood that those students who went against their guidelines were intelligently expressing their sexual orientation8. And therefore, the teacher could have helped the students instead of throwing a tantrum to them and also providing them with corporal punishment. In definition, heterosexist is the system of power that provides privileges to heterosexual people on the basis of their sexual or affectional orientation. Heterosexist upholds racism in three different ways for instance, exacerbating the negativity of directed towards those individuals who the subject to racism for example people who are gay and the black people in the society9.

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In conclusion, I found the book captivating and humorous. It provides invaluable practical insights into the useful methodological framework, thematic and principled concerns around the nature of sexuality in schools. The book campaigns for the active scientific steps to promote fair conditions in educational institutions. For example, the national government can implement quality curriculum redesigns, billboards with brief and direct information on the adverse effects of discrimination and gender bias in high schools. The paper has stressed strongly on the emphasis of the importance of cultural institution, and the identifies the following key points, the culture of the institution has a meaningful impact on the academic of the learners, social and emotional well-being. Cambridge University Press, 2018. McNeill, Tanya. "Sex education and the promotion of heteronormativity.

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