Effect of Donald Trumps presidency on Democracy

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Sociology

Document 1

He is also said to have participated actively in moving the guardrails which have discerned upon democracy negatively. Also, the aspect of tilting the courts is also discussed in the paper where the presidency has taken control over the courts and dictates most of the court activities. The paper also seeks to explore the effect of the administration on media which it has reported to be sidelined. It also focuses on the new normal and issuance of diktats and fatwas by the presidents which is against the democracy. The paper also talks about the presidential attack on voting integrity. S policyii. The support for democracy has implications for the benefit of the people and the nation such as achieving, stability, security, and prosperity for the whole globe.

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It is thus evident that democracy matters a lot to the citizens of the U. S in many contexts. This paper thus seeks to deeply and consultative explore the sociological impacts of Donald Trump’s presidency with keen interest on democracy in the USiii. Historically, in the United States was dragged into a sad state by the decision of the Supreme Court that the campaign contributions were protected constitutionally as free speech in the Citizens United case. The super PACs could not spend a lot of money on the elections that did not exist before. The act also gives the Wealthy opportunities to cover their trails using the dark funds. Besides, money is perceived to impact on the legislature as it has come to play a remarkable role in policymaking.

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The United States has institutionalized corruption and bribery by lobbying contrary to other countries which fight crime. Bush policies which makes him have a lot of presidential precedents. He is believed to have done a lot of wrong actions in the government that sociologically affect the democracy of the nation. In despair, the behavior of Donald Trump made the people elect him with high expectations from his ruling. However, most of the US citizens are disappointed as their democracy, and human rights are violated, and it affects the way of living in the country. Some perceive the country as a destroyed nation. The United States is a country that requires a president who endorses a high level of integrity and justice.

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He should also act as the role model of other countries who still have the right perception of the state and believe on its strength and global influence. Tilting the courts The White House is controlled by the president himself and the Congress controlled by the Republicans via gerrymandering and voter suppression in the US. However, the house is predicted to be won back by the Democrats in the next coming elections in 2020 where Trump might not be given another chance to be the president again. The government has aimed at the courts so much which provides it with the advantage to move the guardrails perpetually. It will thus help them in pushing the Republican anti-regulatory revolution that emerges from within the country.

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Also, Donald Trump once remarked that the US should try the Chinese system of the presidency. It meant that the US should have a president for life. It is therefore anticipated not to happen anytime soon even with his judges for life. The decision of Trump owing the judges in the judiciary has given him the chance to use power in his way and source his advice from people who cannot help the entire nation successfully. The liberal media has been demonized through the rise of Fox News, the popularity of right-wing radio and spread of Infowars website. It has therefore changed the media climate in the whole country and given wrong perceptions on one of the significant tools of democracyvi.

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The significance of media on democracy is considered to be dying since the government is turning against it for various reasons. Sidelining the media has brought about many Americans who prefer not to express their opinions at the top volume but to gather facts. Since 2017, the trust of the press has dropped drastically among the population of the US. Donald Trump does not speak to the entire population of the United States which itself is a disgrace to democracy which protects the people. It is therefore hard for the president to fulfill some of the needs of the citizens. He also used the attacks on the media to cover for some of his scandals that he did not want to go public or to be investigated.

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It can be referred to as misuse of the power of the presidency. The New Normal Generation of Cynicism in the US is one of the most dangerous onslaughts of democracy that Trump has accomplished. Trump is following precedents even though it is undemocratic to exercise the arbitrary power in the US. Politicians are to be blamed of the failures of the government since they are the people who make the decisions for the government and run most of the activities in the country. Incumbency is also another problem of democracy in the US whereby re-election of members reduces the citizens’ democratic choices. Systematic problems in the view of presidency result into anomalies. Despite losing the popular vote, Trump still won the election making him the fifth president in history to do so.

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The scale of the problem has been proven legible after serious investigations by Republican presidents and other serious studies. Trump’s claim on illegal voting is perceived by some people to be a strategy to prevent other Americans from voting in the future or make it harder for them to express their voting rights. Conclusion In summary, the presidency in the US has been proven to have a significant impact on democracy either positively or negatively. Trump is one of the presidents who have demolished the existence of strengthening democracy in the nation in the history of America. Moreover, the actions of the president on fighting democracy could reach an end when he is not re-elected, and someone new enters power and build up the democracy once again.

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