Effect of Lifestyle Choices Mental Health

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

The findings of the study were that lifestyle has a significant influence on the mental health of individuals and it is hence vital for people to observe their lifestyles. The journal fulfills one of the main goals of the educational institutions which are to equip students with professional knowledge. It consists of relevant information about health, and it is applicable in real life. The information in the journal is also crucial for the students in achieving their academic objectives. Mental health is a critical part of public health. The WHO supports this information by providing data from research, which shows that participating in physical activities has positive impacts on the mental and physical wellbeing of individuals. We can consider this information to be relevant to the course as well as efforts to promote mental health.

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First, this article provides relevant information regarding what healthy lifestyle entails. Many people fail to identify what healthy living means and hence end up engaging in inappropirate activities with the aim of promoting their health (Townsend & Morgan, 2017). This knowledge is therefore applicable in real life. Physical activity is one of the best ways to prevent depression. The authors provide vital information regarding the protective role that physical exercises play in reducing depression (Velten et al. According to a study that compared individuals who had undergone physical activities and those who did not, physical activity was found to have a positive impact in reducing depression (Velten et al. We can consider this information to be relevant in reducing depression as many physicians recommend physical exercise as one of the best practices in alleviating depression.

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Physical exercise provides a remedy for various medical conditions including injuries. However, this does not mean that such activities are not beneficial to people suffering from mental disorders. Adequate research needs to be conducted to identify the people who can be recommended to participate in such activities. There is a controversial relationship between mental disorder and alcohol consumption. The article states that some studies have established a nonlinear relationship (Velten et al. A positive relationship between mental health and alcohol entails risks associated with alcohol consumption including anxiety and depression (Velten et al. The research technique utilized was a survey that consisted of questions regarding the eating habits of the individuals (Velten et al. The results of the study were that individuals who consumed more vegetables were likely to have a lower risk of mental disorder (Velten et al.

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According to the authors, the study provides contradicting results about the reason for people adopting a vegetarian diet (Velten et al. Many previous studies indicate that people assume a vegetarian diet to respond to mental disorders. However, according to this research, people also use a vegetarian diet as a predictor of their MHP and PMH. Many related studies also support the ability of smoking to cause mental disorders (Burns et al. It is therefore crucial for every individual to avoid smoking to improve their mental health. Irregular social rhythm is a useful predictor of mental health issues. Irregular rhythm refers to having a unique way of doing things such as eating and going to bed. The authors refer to the social zeitgeber theory in describing this phenomenon (Velten et al.

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Physicians can utilize the seven factors including alcohol consumption, social rhythm, vegetarianism, smoking, mental and physical activities to predict MHP in individuals. Assessing these factors can be helpful in predicting the mental health of the involved parties. Also, physicians can influence these factors when offering treatment to provide solutions for mental disorders. The information regarding the factors affecting mental health can also be found in other readings. In another related source, relationships were also considered to have an impact on mental health (Townsend & Morgan, 2017). Therefore, this study was excellently conducted and comprised of accurate information regarding the link between lifestyle and mental wellbeing. There is a relationship between mental health and age. According to the study, college students are likely to have a higher PMH compared to the general population (Velten et al.

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These results emerged after the authors collected data from the sample from Chinese, Germany and the United States students. The findings showed a slight relationship between age and mental health. Another important aspect of the article is that the authors point the literature gaps they come across in their studies. They also caution the readers to analyze some of the information in the journal carefully. Pointing out the research gap provides the reader with opportunities to explore other aspects of the study to come up with relevant findings. This article is, therefore, an essential source of information about the relationship between lifestyle and mental health. References Blackwell, D. , Owens, M. , Codd, M. B. , Lawlor, B. A. Exploring Smoking, Mental Health and Smoking-Related Disease in Older Adults.

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