Effect of the reduction of plastic consumption on teenagers behaviour and perception

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Sociology

Document 1

The production of plastics has hit 8. million tons in 2013 with a rate of growth of 8% in the last 5 years. This underlines the reasons why this research is being studied. It uses a quantitative study approach, with a population sample of 20 students from groups with the same characteristics being examined. For the purpose of reducing the scope of the research, the emphasis is on plastic bottles and bags. Many plastics are robust and last for centuries. They have replaced metals in the components of the produced goods, including for products such as car parts and computers. Plastics have taken over from glass, cardboard and paper in packaging, usually minimizing costs and offering better care of the items. Plastic industry is among the rapidly growing industry in the United States of America. The production of plastics has hit 8.

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Single-use plastics, also known as disposable plastics, are used for packaging. They include items which are aimed at being used once, after which they are recycled or thrown away. iii. Biodegradation refers to the breaking down of organic matter by microorganisms. iv. The consumption of less plastic bottles and bags is a relatively simple task for many individuals to assist the environment. Nonetheless, the initiation of this behavioral change for the entire community is not a simple task. The personal intentions are not very much powerful compared to the habits, and that the institutional regulations, supports and incentives have less ability of encouraging these kinds of behavioral changes. Taxations or bans on plastic bags, incentives of reusing bags are among the incentives and regulations. Therefore, as a beginning point for this research, it is regarded that the minimization of plastic bags use and bottles is the best alternative towards avoiding harsh environmental impacts.

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The recycling of plastic bags is being performed in different countries at higher or lesser levels. Currently, the biodegradable bags are utilized as an alternative to the traditional plastic bags. These are aimed at naturally degrading the microorganism activity such as algae, bacteria and fungi. The bottled water market has led to increased competition because of the high levels of consumption of bottled water. The disadvantage of recycling is that when a bottle is recycled, it loses its quality and can be used to form other products. To minimize the consumption of these plastic bottles, it is important to resort to the traditional approach. The reusable bottles are made available in various materials, including stainless steel, glass, aluminum and plastic. Each has a benefit and drawback over the others. Unless the young bottle consumers are dedicated towards recycling the bottles, the rates of collection are very low.

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Thus, the returnable deposit scheme is critical towards increasing the collection rates. Survey is a research method which is used in asking questions from sample of respondents using online polls, questionnaires, social media and surveys. This means that this study collects information from physicians on their perceptions about reducing plastic consumptions and the impact it has on the behaviours of the youth. Through this survey, various perceptions of the youth about plastic consumption is collected and this is useful in analysis of the gathered information for the production of many results. This kind of research is carried out with specific target audience group, in this case the physicians. The respondents are randomly chosen for the study. Geyer, R. Wilcox, C. Siegler, T. R. Perryman, M. A. Deleterious effects of litter on marine life.

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In Marine anthropogenic litter (pp. Springer, Cham. Li, W. The rise of plastic bioelectronics. Nature, 540(7633), 379.

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