Effective Communication Skills

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Marketing

Document 1

The paper below discusses the value of different communication theories, various communication activities done externally and in class, and a reflection on personal communication strengths and weaknesses. On communication activities section, the paper defines what went well in the communication activities and communication issues that can be improved. Part 1: Value of Communication Theories Neuro-Linguistic Programming Theory (NLP) NLP is a communication model that defines the role of the components of neurology, language, and programs in defining communication and behavior. The value of the theory is based on the usefulness of the three components. The neurological system has the role of controlling how the body functions, language defines how people should communicate or interface with others, and the program component defines the models that people should create in different environments to encourage good interactions and behaviors.

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Emotions are the child’s language, rationality and logic is the adult’s language, and value is the parent’s language (Clarkson, 2013: 10). The major strength of the theory is that it defines communication transactions that can either be healthy, productive, and direct or unhealthy, wasteful, and devious in communication processes involving different ego states. With the model, it is easy for the communicator to observe responses and stimulus that maintain healthy and productive interactions (Clarkson, 2013: 10). Learning and counseling are major fields in which effective communication is a necessity. The model is useful in these fields as it encourages the utilization of transactions that encourage good learning and interactions (Clarkson, 2013: 12). Effective transitions from one member to the other are important as they encourage a good flow of ideas presented by different group members.

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As a result, there was no effective flow of information from one presenter to the other. Use of effective transition is an issue that could have been improved to make the presentation more productive. At the end of each the presentation, questions were asked by different people and most of the questions were not answered well. The failure to answer questions was an indicator that the members had only covered the major questions and had not tried to find extra information on the topic of discussion. This is an area that needed improvement in the communication activity. Part 3: Reflection on Communication Strengths and Weaknesses The module had made me develop major communication skills and has also made me realize the major effective communication weaknesses that I need to address. One of the important communication strengths that I have developed is the ability to receive and give constructive feedback positively.

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Based on the Johari Window Model, receiving and giving feedback is important in improving communication at a personal and group level (Halpern, H. I consider giving and receiving constructive feedback as an important tool in understanding oneself and others. Listening is the key to understanding. It encourages productive conversations in which points of others can be understood more. Taking into consideration the points of view of other people helps in improving how one views an aspect (Herman & Mitchell, 2010: 83). Honesty in communication processes such as interviews helps in developing and maintaining an open-mind through which one can learn new and vital information about others and themselves. Questions and feedback as tools for improving open-mindedness in communication help in getting deeper thoughts about various issues or topics and. org/10. Herman, H. M. Mitchell, R.

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J. Grove, A. Bourne, C. Bridle, C. ‘Neuro-linguistic programming: a systematic review of the effects on health outcomes’ The British Journal of General Practice 62(604), e757–e764. DOI: 10. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. DOI: 10. CBO9780511635649.

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