Effective leadership and challenges facing 21st century organizations

Document Type:Creative Writing

Subject Area:Management

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The most critical aspect in today’s management is the ability of the leaders and managers to anticipate these challenges in a way that they are able to avoid their occurrence and if they are experienced leaders are able to formulate solutions promptly to avoid critical damage to the organizations (Van Wart, 2013). Saudi Vision 2030 is an ambitious transformation plan that is structured to diversify Saudi Arabia’s economy, health, education, tourism, inclusivity, and diversity with the aim of making the kingdom an investment powerhouse and a hub linking Africa, Asia and Europe (Nurunnabi, 2017). This plan was announced in 2016, and the Council of Ministers gave CEDA the mandate to identify and monitor different measures that are critical for the implementation of the plan. This paper will discuss different challenges that organizations face in the 21st century and the role of leaders and managers in overcoming these challenges in relation to Saudi Vision 2030 plan.

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In many cases in different organizations some issues are broad, and they require the cooperation of different people who gather together as a group or a team with the aim of combining their expertise to provide different insights on how to solve a particular problem or complete a task. The fact is that Saudi’s economy is highly dependent on oil and in its vision, it wants to stimulate economic growth in other sectors and also encourage citizens to venture in the private sector (Nurunnabi, 2017). These insights are important, and diversification of sources of revenue is a strategy that many developed countries such as China have employed to attain massive growth of their GDP. However, from the personal experience oil industry in Saudi Arabia is the cash cow and other industries such as tourism are the stars and the fact that oil is the major current source of revenue is not an inconvenience.

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In fact, they should take the revenue they get from oil and use it to stimulate the growth of other sectors that are promising sources of revenue such as tourism. One of the major challenges that organizations face in the 21st century is groupthink, and this can be referred to a situation where a group make a wrong decision and some group members know that the group is making a wrong decision, but they cannot address the matter because they fear being labeled as revolutionists or non-team players (Rose, 2011). One thing I like about the Saudi Vision 2030 is that it is highly innovative and the proposed projects show a lot of creativity in that they improve the nation’s infrastructure, boost its economy and improve the quality of life of its citizens (Khan, 2016).

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The top management of different organizations should also be able to see the future of their companies in such a clear way, and this will help them formulate viable long-term and short-term goals. For an organization to have management with the ability to formulate creative and innovative strategies, it must establish different ways of recruiting highly-talented leadership (Antonakis, 2017). When an organization is governed by good and effective leaders, it will be able to overcome different challenges that it is facing, and it will also be able to increase its general performance in the market. Change management is another critical area that 21st-century organizations are having a lot of challenges managing. The way organizations solve challenges to determine their survival and success in their area of operations. The existing corporate environment is branded by a lot of uncertainties, and the best way of surviving these uncertainties is by formulating contingency measures.

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Management and leadership of organizations are the pillars of organizations, and they determine whether organizations prosper or fail. Therefore, the first line of defense of effective problem-solving in organizations is by having capable and experienced leaders and managers, and the rest will follow. References Aktas, M.  The nature of leadership. Sage publications. Burns, J. M. Leadership. Khan, M. Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030.  Defence Journal, 119(11), 36-42. Khashan, H. Saudi Arabia's Flawed" Vision 2030".  Public Administration Review, 73(4), 553-565.

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