Effects of Technology and Social Media on Emotional Development

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Technology

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This paper highlights effects of technology and social media on emotional development, dating and self-esteem. It examines the extent to which people share and express content that shows their emotional states on social media platforms (Beasley, Mason, & Smith, 2016, p. These platforms include Facebook, twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp among others. Automated analysis of content reveals that only a small percentage of posts from people seem to contain statements which directly express their feelings. In addition, these sentences and statements have sentiments that weakly predict a self-reported measure of emotions. Zurbriggen, (2016) proposed a proxy on Facebook. Harari, (2016) also tried to differentiate between sad and happy twitter users. It can be understood trying to infer the self-esteem, dating and emotional development by the analysis data from the social media sites.

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You can gauge how someone’s emotions are from time to time and use the information in a number of fields. According to Zurbriggen, (2007) psychiatrists and researchers can spot some warning signs in the early stages of depression and anxiety. Through technology, these interactions happen frequently. This allows people to keep being updated about the lives of their friends, families and peers hence helping them strengthen their bonds (Gibb & Devereux, 2016). Technology, social networking tools impact greatly on the emotional development of individuals. It acts as a tool for building emotional vocabulary. Various social networks have a variety of emotional icons that help individuals in expressing their feelings to others. When their updates and posts are followed by friends, they emotions improve.

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The current advancements in technology have changed the perspective of people connecting and conversing with each other in the society. Dating is one of the fields affected most. There is plenty of dating sites thus increasing the odds of meeting the suitable partner. Almost 90 percent of the population owns smartphones (Guadagno, Jones, Kimbrough, & Mattu, 2016, p. However it can be noted that internet dating dehumanizes love, dating and affection. The efficiency of online dating sites seems more important than the actual feeling of finding a soul mate. According to Muscanell, (2015) the dating game has changed from the romantic meeting to a virtual thing just like shopping. With all this ignorance there will be consequences later in the relationship. Recommendations Further research should be conducted on the negative impacts of technology and social media on emotional development, dating and self-esteem.

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