Electronic health records assignment

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Technology

Document 1

The goals of the EHR system are a provision of quality and safe care through improvement of the decision-making at the point and time of care. Electronic health records provide accurate and complete information about the patient at a particular point of care. Also, EHR helps reduce medical errors through effective diagnosis thus providing safer care. Therefore, it is crucial for the implementation of policies that govern the design and development of the EHR system. Privacy policies aim to protect patient information from human threats such as hackers and staff. Continuous improvement of the EHR system ensures the development of systems conforming to the critical clinical vocabulary and data types thus developing a unique national patient identifier. Policies are aiming at improving health by using EHR focus on the usability and security of the system.

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Policy action to improve usability should ensure the design and building of components that are available and work smoothly with existing systems. For instance, the system should have a standard data display for sensitive data such a patient identification on all screens. Also, the button naming and placement should follow a conventional procedure and arrangement such as for okay, sign, and cancel buttons. The problem of data entry occurs during the development where the system may require plenty of workloads to complete a task such as a diagnosis — increased scholarship and research in the medical field present new techniques and approaches to solving a problem. The clinician requires frequent updates to be versed with the new system. Also, the EH system may present ambiguous, incorrect, or absent feedback leading to a false alert.

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Interoperability issues arise at the intersystem communication and semantic level ensuring that the patient data remains undistorted during transformation between systems (Livernois, 2018). Also, the system may face flexibility issues where it fails to synchronize with and meet the local needs and practices. The EHRs system faces challenges in the availability of information and knowledge management bottlenecks due to the emergence of new data streams and the increasing complexity of care records. The EHR system is continually changing to meet growing demands thus the professional engagement ensures that smooth transition into new technologies. EHRs have technical and regulatory challenges during design and development that may threaten the security and confidentiality of the system. The adoption of new technology must ensure enforcement of access control to reassure the public of secure data handling.

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The issues, in this case, revolve around the application of control, monitoring and auditing accessed data, and the disciplinary actions taken in the occurrence of a breach. On the other hand, partnerships impact the global interoperability by allowing the exchange of multiple big data sets. Countries can coordinate international efforts to eradicate diseases thus improving the health of communities and native populations. The administrative safeguard standards look into compliance with the security controls while taking into consideration the risks and providing solutions. Security Management Process Standards ensure the implementation of policies that aid in the prevention, detection, containment, and correction of security violations. The implementation specifications for this standard include Information System Activity Review, risk analysis, sanction policy, and risk management. Security awareness and training standards implement the security framework for all members of staff such as security reminders, password management, and protection from malicious software.

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In this case, the system design would incorporate team committing passwords to memory and taking precautions to avoid writing passwords down and leaving them accessible to non-users. Security incident procedures standards provide policies and procedures for handling security incidents such as physical break-ins leading to theft and virus attacks that interfere with the operation of the system. The system design would identify the person to whom security incidents are reported to and provide a list of possible types of security incidents that may affect the system and provide appropriate responses. Contingency plan evaluation standards aim to establish procedures to care for emergencies such as fire or system failure that may damage systems. Is the management and leadership taken into consideration during risk management decision? 5. Are there other resources required to assist in risk management? 6.

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Does the sanction policy allow for the adjustment in disciplinary action basing on severity of the action? 7. Has the firm asked staff to agree and sign a security policy and procedures statement? 8. What reports does the information system generate? 9. Does the firm encourage workforce to save passwords to memory? 20. What are common sense precautions taken in dealing with passwords? Works cited AHIMA e-HIM Workgroup on EHR Data Content. Data standard time. Data content standardization and the HIM role.  Journal of AHIMA 77. jama. Koppel, Ross, and Christoph U. Lehmann. Implications of an emerging EHR monoculture for hospitals and healthcare systems.  Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 22.

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