Eliminating Punitive Segregation within the NYC DOC

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Law

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However, the department has challenges that undermine its way of delivering services. Punitive segregation is one of the factors that affect the department and it requires to be eliminated. The paper discusses ways in which the punitive segregation can be eliminated in the NYC Doc. Punitive segregation Punitive segregation can be brought out as an effective way of controlling crimes and other violent behaviors. It is also used to enforce the rules and regulations within the jail systems almost to look like a system that existed before. However, the punitive segregation is brought out has a non-violent of deplaning the inmates. In the same way, incarceration serves as a tool that is used to discipline the general public for the violations that have been committed in the society by individuals. Punitive segregation is deterrent to the inmates just the same the prison appears to be to the public.

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Adolescents are one of the most targeted groups as they commit most of the crimes that happen in the city. According to the NYC Doc, leaving the group out of the punitive segregation can be a waste of changing the behaviors in the city. This has increased the demonstration of some of the factors that are leading to the success of reducing the punitive segregation. There are factors that have contributed to these changes, some of them include; the department has several inmates or groups that moved from the department due to the therapeutic approaches; second, there are opportunities to identify new sections of the population that could benefit from the targeted invention. Reforms to the punitive segregation model One of the factors that led to the reduction of the inmates in the PS is due to withdraw of the adolescents and the adults that are below the age of 22 years.

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In the past three years ago, there were about 250 inmates that were below the age of 21 years, which is raging from 16-21 years. Currently, there are no inmates with less than the age of 22 years. Through coming up with several housing that offers therapeutic approaches and addressing the maladaptive behaviors can be one of the best ways of promoting pro-social behaviors. Through such programming, planning, staffing, inmate behaviors, and incentive models can be used to ensure that the program brings out the best results. The department has worked hard to reduce the usage of the Punitive Segregation by developing systems and programs that have been addressing the infractions in more therapeutic manner. These changes came due to the high rate of the inmates that were found to have been affected mentally (Haney, 2017).

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Therefore, to avoid the situation from getting to its worse situation and exposing more inmates to danger, a more safe way had to be developed to ensure that the inmates are the safe mentality. The renewed housing therapeutic offered better services than before, such services include; adolescent’s ratios, structured programming opportunities and also offering better schooling engagement that helped the adolescents to improve on their decision making and mature quicker. Since education was one of the best areas that could have been used to improve the behaviors of the adolescents, DOC did a partnership with New York City Department of education to increase the school days and hours for the inmates. Through the adolescents were able to interact with their teachers in a more effective way than before. Some of the current reforms that have been introduced are that no young adult was supposed also to be at the punitive segregation.

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The efforts to eliminate such category was the first globally thus making the NYC the first city to have eliminated PS completely. There was the existence of the traditional Punitive Segregation that used to exist for the women who were in custody. The department of the NYC DOC eliminated it and came up with modern ways of changing the behaviors for women. The new forms are by the use of the restive housing for women that involves progressive lock-out systems that offer specific gender needs. Results of eliminating punitive segregation Through the implementation of the new reforms ways in which the inmates could change their behaviors, there has been a tremendous change in various ways. The injury or the mental problems decreased among the inmates, the injuries that used to happen between the inmates themselves and also a decline the inmate assault.

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Weill, J. Bakhshay, S. Lockett, T. Examining jail isolation: What we don’t know can be profoundly harmful.  The Prison Journal, 96(1), 126-152. Rev. Lindstrom, H. Teaching Inside the Box: A Phenomenological Study of Correctional Teachers Working in Segregation/Restrictive Housing Units. Simms, A. A.

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