Emerging Issues in Health Care Management

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

There four areas covered in this papers that impacts the health care sector and these include the effects of the legal and ethical issues on the healthcare sector, the influence of technological advancements on health care sector, the evolution and development of models for health care and service delivery, and efforts and protocols for ensuring compliance of healthcare organizations. Introduction The delivery of affordable and high-quality care services to patients can be described as an increasingly challenging issue in the world today. This paper aims at discussing the factors that influence the healthcare sector and this comprises of the legal and ethical issues impacting the healthcare sector, the effects of technological advancements on health care sector, evolution and development of models for health care and service delivery, and efforts and protocols for ensuring compliance of healthcare organizations.

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A legal or ethical issue affecting healthcare Ethical and legal issues are prevalent in the healthcare sector. All the decisions that are made at any health care facility have either ethical or legal implications for patients, health care leaders and health care providers. It is important to respect and acknowledge the vulnerability needs of patients at all times. The best outcomes of treatment can result to deep feelings of appreciation that tend to be like an issue of physical attraction. Therefore, laws on sexual exploitation and professional ethics prohibit healthcare professionals and patients from engaging in inappropriate acts such as accepting gifts that are beyond the nominal value as well as dating. All interactions are characterized by genuine empathy, trust, and concern. In cases where respect is not maintained or boundaries are closed, it is crucial to carry out an intervention.

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Examples of the evolution and development of patient care and service delivery models It is important for healthcare providers to select the best care and service delivery models for patients. In regards to the above, the models of patient care and service delivery that will be discussed include accountable care organizations, patient-centered medical homes, and open system. For many years in the past, open system has been the most prevalent model in the United States and even today it remains a significant model care and service delivery in the healthcare industry. This model allows patients to usually access individual care providers. In addition, the facility and specialty referral are provided either through self-referral by patients and referral by the health professionals such as primary care physician. The model comprises of health care professionals or health care.

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Facilities and physicians together. Efforts and protocols for ensuring compliance with a healthcare organization It is important to effectively comply with the rules and regulations since it helps in enhancing trust with the government as well as establishing a well-functioning society. It is an important factor that helps to safeguard health and safety, secure stable revenue, protect the environment, and accomplish important public goals. The healthcare providers formulate clear and effective enforcement strategies that help to provide better incentives for appropriate guidelines and regulated subjects for enforcement staff as well as minimizing the costs and monitoring efforts for the public sector and the regulated subjects. j. jval. EW, J. Grove D, H. Physician Opinions about EHR Use by EHR Experience and by Whether the Practice had optimized its EHR Use. Occupational Health Guidelines and Regulations.

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doi:10. oemed-2016-103951.

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