Essay on Learning Styles
Document Type:Term Paper
Subject Area:Education
This is one of the major intervention methods that teachers use to investigate various problems that a student may be suffering. In fact, it is used in case a student tends to show some unusual behaviour in his or her performances. An easier way to identify children with special needs is by checking their performances. For instance, a child who tends to have learning disability shows huge decrease in overall grade. Special education is essential in all learning institution as it is specifically designed to meet all the sole needs of children with disabilities. This paper will clearly elaborate various learning styles that can be used inside and outside the classroom in order for them to be successful. How different learning styles can be applied to children with special needs/disabilities in order for them to be successful inside and outside the classroom.
As defined above, learning styles can be termed as technique used to explain certain content to a child with special needs. These special needs may include, hearing problems, some children may have problems with their learning skills and thus, they end up performing badly. It is crucial to make sure, that these children are at par with the rest of children in the society (Showers& Kinsman, 2017). Other usually relies largely on verbal things; this implies that, they can only understand the information when a teacher elaborates through talking. Below include some of the learning styles employed when teaching children with special needs. Visual learning style for special education children According to (Wise, 2011), an individual with learning disability such as ADHD usually understand certain information when shown diagrams, sketches, and pictures can be termed as visual learner.
This type of learning style normally requires the children to first visualize or see certain picture to understand whatever information they are ought to know. Additionally, the entire styles have proved to be of great help to children with special needs. This in advance will ensure that such students have understood everything and thus, they will be successful in all their day to day activities. Verbal learning style for special education children This is a style that comprise of written words and spoken words. Individuals who tend to understand content when it is present on a blackboard or a notebook are called verbal learners. Walker& Stevens, 2017) shows that this kind of learning style has proved to play a greater role to children with learning disabilities. This is because most of the students see it hard to understand sketches and thus, when a teacher offers to explain the entire information on a blackboard, makes these students understand the information very well.
Parents should pay great attention to their children so that they can identify whether they are having learning disabilities or not(Walker& Stevens, 2017). This will enable them to talk in a way that they understand and thus, they will feel loved as the rest of the children in the societies. Kinaesthetic learning style for special education children Kinaesthetic is a type of learning style where a child can touch at the same time and experiment. The greater part of the school populace usually does well through kinaesthetic. This implies that children with learning problems usually do well through touching, feeling, encountering the current material. Notably classrooms will keep on integrating a greater amount of these types of learning techniques. This is due to the fact that they have helped teachers to understand the needs for children who need special attention.
This will enable them to identify their learning styles thus, become successful in academic. Understanding learning styles is just an initial phase in expanding potential and conquering learning problems (Adebayo et al, 2015). Teachers have a responsibility to allocate individual education plans that may help children who have a learning disability (ADHD), emotionally disturbed, physically disabled, and autistic children. This is important as it influence social interactions of these students. Teachers can also create group discussion that will make these students to be a bit interactive. This will contribute greatly in lessening some of the challenges that faces teachers who teaches students with learning disabilities Conclusion From the above point of view, it is clearly evident that teaching children with learning disabilities is one of the major challenges that usually confront teachers and parents.
This is because, there is always delay in completing the syllabus as the entire teachers will move slowly in order to make sure that every student has understood each content they have taught. Another challenge is that working with students who have reading and behavioural difficulties seems to be challenging to the teachers. One can give these students extra time to complete an assignment or test. Students with disabilities can learn more effectively when they are provided with teacher notes or taped lectures. As seen above, visual learners usually understand content when they are provided with diagrams and sketches. Teachers should be in a position to provide their students with immediate feedbacks. This will help the student to develop connect between their answer and the information given. Little, P. L. The Impact of Student Learning Styles on Scholastic Performance.
Journal Of The Academy Of Business Education, 16276-291. Ahmed, Z. Dobson, H. Learning style preferences: an examination of differences amongst students with different disciplinary backgrounds. Innovations In Education & Teaching International, 53(2), 122-134. Quigney, T. A. Walker, M. A. Stevens, E. A. Reading Instruction for Students With Learning Disabilities.
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