Essay on Sensory Perception

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Subject Area:Computer Science

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Such difficulty may overwhelm children resulting to their behavior being confused. Sensory perception problems are mainly regarded as symptoms of autism since majority of the children or adults within the spectrum of autism have problems with senses (Gesundheit et al 2017). Every human being has many senses but the most common five senses are usually hearing, seeing, and tasting, smelling and touching. The Visual system is important in seeing and normally uses the eyes. The auditory deals with what one hears while olfactory is concerned with the smell. Lights should be enough and not dim to avoid confusion and where possible the child should be provided with a sit near the board. The main activity that can be carried out here being the removal of lights that are dim and replacing them with bulbs that is clear.

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The activities a child with visual challenge can engage in including ensuring they make designs and patterns while also they can lie on their back and try to track birds in the clouds with the eyes without the head moving (Kranowitz 2005). Kinesthetic Any young person is able to learn moving around through development of the vestibular system. Indeed, it is the integration of these systems that enable the child to sense body awareness, control and balance allowing free movement. Pushing and pulling games, pressing of feet and pushing of the palms are also important activities that can be used to reduce this effect (Critz et al 2015). Carrying of bags of the basketballs especially during the physical education sessions can also play a big role as heavy work activities help such children.

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Tactile The tactile system has two major functions which include protection and development of accuracy skills. The skin acts as the receptor to pain and touch which is an important way of alerting the body of threats is allowing us to react through brain message. Moreover, the skin has receptors which provide more details with what the skin is feeling. Brains have the neurons connected in such a manner that we are able to respond to the tastes and smells appropriately. Olfactory Bad smells rapidly disappear from our memories and we stop noticing them since we did not they would keep on distracting us. Two kinds of difficulties can exist with some children being over sensitive to smells while others being under sensitive. The over sensitive will often smell odor from garbage at a distance while the less sensitive may fail to notice strange odor that everyone seems to notice.

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The high sensitive may be stopped through activities such as allowing the child to have their favorite scent on an object or clothing such as a handkerchief. Conclusion Children with sensory processing differences need important care when dealing with them as a parent or guardian or as a teacher. Indeed, the varying sensory systems need certain activities that are specific and may help in reducing the sensory input the child may experience. Ranging from the vision, tactile, kinesthetic or taste and olfactory, there several activities that can help in reducing differences that may occur in this five senses. Visual problems can be handled through minimizing number of distractions and this could include moving the children nearer the blackboard when in school. A quite area can set at home where the child can be spending time while bright lights should be avoided.

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Sensory processing challenges in children. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 11(7), 710-716. Gesundheit, B. Rosenzweig, J. Shoenfeld, Y. Appendices CHECKLIST VISION AVOIDS SEEKS BOTH NEUTRAL 1. Learning how to read for some minutes 2. Observing shiny, spinning and objects moving 3. Activities requiring eye hand coordination such as Writing, catch and baseball 4. Activities requiring visual analysis like puzzles and hidden photos 5. Certain types of clothing fabrics, waistbands and cuffs 3. Tight clothing, shoes or other accessories 4. Getting hands and face messy with glue, paint or sand 5. Taking a bath or swimming 6. Trying completely new food 7.

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