Ethical, Legal and Regulatory policy issues

Document Type:Case Study

Subject Area:Technology

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Midtown Family Clinic is planning to adopt a new health record system to replace the existing one which is too demanding and less effective. It is therefore important to ensure that the desired Electronic Health Records system complies with ethical, legal as well as regulatory policy issues to ensure it operates smoothly thus not inconveniencing service delivery in the clinic (Blumenthal, 2010). B. Table of Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Policy Issues In healthcare Information Technology systems, there are various legal, ethical and regulatory policy issues that an intended EHR system should comply to unless it is rendered ineffective. For Midtown Family Clinic, its preferred EHR system which will ease congestion, reduce paper work as well as help in insurance billing and even other patients related services such as appointment booking, it should meet the following policy issues related to legal, ethical and regulatory issues (Coorevits et al, 2013).

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This issue will be addressed by ensuring that the system is used for the right purpose. The staff will be trained on the use of the new EHR system. Quality Improvement It involves maintaining consistency in terms of the quality of services offered. It pertains all the efforts aimed at improving performance. It results into improved patient outcomes as well as level of satisfaction. In the event of selection and use of the new EHR system, data accessibility made available to the clinic’s stakeholders. Data Comprehensiveness It is the completeness of data. Additionally, is also depicts that all the desired elements in a certain data are available. It promotes data reliability. Coordination will be very high within Midtown Family Clinic. It promotes data privacy as well as security. It will ensure data access in Midtown Family clinic is controlled thus preventing malicious individuals from accessing it.

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This will be realized through use of passwords in the new system. This is also achieved through proper management of passwords and other security feature. Security Involves limitation of data access. In using, each patient will be created his or her own medical record which will be stored electronically in the system. HIPAA Privacy Rule It comprises of standards that govern protection of a patient’s medical record. Promotes confidentially of medical records. Ensures compliance to the established standards. With the new system, it will be maintained by ensuring that the database of various medical record of different patients are secured with a password. It will ensure data access in Midtown Family clinic is controlled thus preventing malicious individuals from accessing it. Medical records will be secured. This will be realized through encryption of all Midtown data and information during sharing.

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Data consistency It is the usability of the stored data. Additionally, is a set of given requirement that a database transaction should alter affected data as per the allowed manner. Protected health information It is comprised of information gathered by a covered entity such as health status or healthcare payments. It is mainly any patient’s records like payment or medical record. Helps in maintaining confidentiality. It promotes ethics and also assists the Midtown Family in tracking patient’s health history. This will be achieved by creating different database for different patients. It will promote security of data in Midtown Family clinic. This will be achieved by having authorization to use of the new EHR system. C. Addressing the Most Difficult Issue Security of data as well as information about the clinic as well as concerning patient’s medical records might be very hard to implement (Blumenthal, 2010).

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This is because passwords as well as other security features used to secure the information might be leaked. The “meaningful use” regulation for electronic health records.  New England Journal of Medicine, 363(6), 501-504. Coorevits, P. Sundgren, M. Klein, G.

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