Reviewing The Adventures of an IT Leader
Document Type:Case Study
Subject Area:Technology
Hence, the paper discusses Barton’s journey as the new CIO at IVK, the challenges he encountered and how he tried to solve the problems. Scanning and Analysis of Emerging Technologies It requires a great deal of time and efforts to be raised by the Information Technology department in the IVK organization in scanning and analyzing the new and emerging technologies to improve on the service delivery of the organization. The efforts will help in facilitating the creation and development of innovations that will help see IVK strengthen its impact on its performance as well as be able to measure up to its competitor companies (Adner and Levinthal, 2002). The department should ensure that the technologies in place are mutually exclusive and exhaustive to identify its working effects when it is adopted by the company.
Also, the department should put efforts in ensuring that the emerging technologies that the team is aiming at should be within the framework additional requirements when it comes to its application. However, it can prove dangerous for the company since some employees can expose crucial information through blogging either on the company blog or personal blogs. The IVK confidential information was leaked out into the blogs, and the seemingly best thing to do in this case is to create the blogging policy addressing the issue. The approach will enable the author of the blog entry to realize that the action was out of compliance with the Company’s regulation and thereby being in a position to rectify the mistake. Singling the person is likely to cause even more damage to the issue.
For the IVK Information Technology department to come up with the company blogging policies, they must consider various types of blogs that are likely to be written by the employees. Given the best technological infrastructure, any given company is capable of pushing its technical agenda to the best of their ability. The IVK Company was fortunate to be presented with three different proposals that would help them achieve in service delivery. The most suitable plan for IVK would be VerxaWeb. To start with, it was one of the favorite and to some extent was in line with the beliefs of IVK. Its primary focus was on its items and services that majored in financial services. However, in an organization like IVK, it was difficult to maintain the standards. With different software and hardware accompanied by different brands, it was difficult and challenging.
Time and often, most managers at IVK were engaged in a business decision that favored them regarding systems and tools. This urge led most of these managers to purchase their preferred items as long as they had a budget without prior consultation with the IT department. The standardization does not allow this, but the IT often found itself installing and supporting applications that are not supported. CIO required a lot of responsibility, time and dedication. Some of the challenges encountered included trust issues with employees, poor policy standards, and insecurity issues. However, Barton does not give up easily and together with his team members; they focus on implementing new methods and models for the betterment of the IVK company. References Adner, R. Levinthal, D. D. Nolan, R. L. O'Donnell, S. October 21).
Cadavid, A. N. The Adventures of an IT Leader Robert D. Austin, Richard L. Nolan, and Shannon O’Donnell Harvard Bussiness Press (Boston, USA, 2009) ISBN: 978-1422146606 Pasta dura, 320 páginas. V. Tennenhouse, D. L. April). ANTS: A toolkit for building and dynamically deploying network protocols.
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