Ethics and diversity in human services

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Sociology

Document 1

This, in most common cases, is evident through the hiring process and employee programs that are aimed at promoting diversity. In this perspective, therefore, organizations strive to maintain diversity through their employees who then act as the representatives of diverse views to the general public while adhering to ethics at all times. Literature Review Alkadry et al. (2017) conducted a case study to determine how public administration in Overtown, Florida got things done at the expense of ethics and diversity considerations. In the study, Alkadry et al. According to Alkadry et al. , the move to relocate African Americans to Liberty City was a coordinated effort by both public and private entities that aimed at furthering the interests of white Americans in the area.

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The decision to revamp Overtown did not consider the diversity of Miami as it was made based on the race of the people in the area. Furthermore, the decision was not ethical as most of the African Americans were forced to relocate to Liberty City which would later become overcrowded. The administration of this area was concerned with getting things done by being inconsiderate of diversity and ethics (Alkadry et al. Maccio and Fergusson also discovered that there was a problem with consciously raising LGBTQ efforts in communities through public awareness campaigns. In a different study, Shelton (2015) opted to investigate the barriers that homeless transgender youth experienced in transgender and gender affirming programs. The study sampled and interviewed a group of 27 youth aged 18 – 25 years in New York.

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The results indicated that the participants’ experiences in these programs were often defined by problems related with navigating institutions that did not affirm or recognize self-designated gender expressions. Shelton discovered that even through the programs offered life saving opportunities to the transgender youth, they also had institutional barriers that were created by procedures and policies that conform to cisgenderism. To ensure that the policies are effective and beneficial to diverse groups, institutions can come up with periodic evaluation mechanisms that will show the progress made. In terms of race, for instance, institutions can check the number of people of color selected or employed to work in different capacities b) Institutions should ensure that they redesign themselves to conform to and abide by the required ethical behavior and activity.

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In this sense, issues such as discrimination in programs or decision-making process should be eliminated. LGBTQ people, for instance, can allowed their freedoms at workplaces based on their skills and expertise and not their sexual orientation. To evaluate the effectiveness, the institutions should on a frequent basis, interview the target groups anonymously on whether they still experience discrimination. Their role, moreover, is to rely on their experience in dealing with different groups of people who have faced unethical behavior or treatment. The ethical standards of human services have been put in place to ensure that people under care receive better treatment and are not subjected to uncomfortable situations. Practitioners, as a result, abide by these standards and expect everyone else providing service to do the same.

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