Evolution of Bio Medical Technologies

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Religion

Document 1

There was discovery of penicillin in the nineteenth century. Currently, there is an evolved medical technology with an aim of not only finding a cure for diseases but also finding new and innovative ways in order to use technology to enhancing and improving the way medical procedures are done (Shortliffe & Cimino, 2013). Moreover, there are more advancements in the biomedical field of engineering and technology would help make more medical advancements which have proved to have many benefits as well as more precise than previous and current technology. The use of technology has resulted to the use of creating robots or machines which are capable of performing surgical procedures and even administering the appropriate amount of anesthetic to the recommended patients (Twanai et al.

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A robot known as da Vinci has brought a breakthrough in surgical technology. The practice was only for patients’ descriptions on symptoms and not on hands-on experience like examining the body of a patient. Specifically, several physicians began employing medical technologies in diagnosing and treating of diseases in the starting of the nineteenth century. The Hutchinson’s device was among the first technology as it helped in measuring the capacity of the lungs; Herisson’s sphygmomanometer was used to measure blood pressure (Horvath et al. During the first half of the twentieth century, there was a complete revolution of medicine due to exposing to medical technology use. Several medical technologies invented were a stethoscope, the thermometer, the microscope, x-ray, laryngoscope, an ophthalmoscope.

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There is the use of computers and technology in measuring and tracking of biomedical data something that has made easier for nurses and doctors when dealing with patient’s data (Kim et al. Biomedical technicians in hospitals can now use information in order to be able to gather a good understanding of various issues, like the spread of disease or performances of health systems. Moreover, in biomedical engineering, there is the application of engineering principles and design to biological and medical issues. Biomedical engineers have been involved in the development and growth of synthetic organs or even the creation of prosthetic limbs in order to replace injured or diseased parts of human bodies (Kim et al. New theories have been developed by biomedical engineers, testing, modification as well as proving the existed ones and designed healthcare devices and instruments in the study of human systems.

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Integration of new technologies into medicines has improved the quality of life. These are such like better monitoring systems, minimally-invasive surgeries, and comfortable scanning equipment. With all these in place, it has given patients a lesser time to recover as well as much more time to enjoy a healthy life. The Telehealth and medical equipment technology have to lead to robotic surgeries. Technology has helped medical physicians and scientists to comfortably and constantly do more testing and research based on new procedures. Currently, technology is just at the heart of a critical care as doctors, nurses and clinicians are doing miracles in various healthcare sectors based on a human body. Medical technology has brought the application of basic engineering and science.

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Use of magnetic imaging is among the amazing engineering feet as it brings all sought of physics principles into a real life due to the fact that the MRI is largely used in medical imaging (Enderle & Bronzino, 2012). Technology has made a huge breakthrough to improve the quality of patient’s life as it has helped in the provision of prosthetic body parts like artificial blood vessels, heart valves, reconstructive skeletal joints and also the limbs. With evidence-based guidelines in place, doctors can now figure out the causes of some symptoms and how great can be evaluated. , 2013) Places such as nursing homes, hospitals, patients, households as well as doctors are using the technology all the time to better healthcare. Technology has helped in cloning, the creation of artificial organs and even predicting what could have been the cause and treatment of various diseases.

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Advancement in technology has greatly resulted in several changes which are even countless across the globe. Informatics has helped in the use of information, data, and knowledge in order to improve all human health as well as deliveries based on health care services. Having new methods to study genetic information about humans in disease and health as they have emerged from all basic science laboratories. Technology has in biomedical has granted individuals to have more benefits than drawbacks. Patients receive treatment of high technology making them have great confidence with the service. Patients families may then rest assured that with high technology tools having professional nurses and doctors are in a better safety in finishing a surgery or treatment. Medical staffs are now having completed equipment which makes it easier in making decisions as well as perfectly diagnosing a disease or a patient (Portalska et al.

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It is known that up to date, there is no human reproductive cloning which has successfully occurred. Even with the modern computing technology largely being in use it has already been profound based on the effects on how people socialize, govern and work ourselves. Furthermore, some of these changes have accelerated in the previous years because of the series on the basis of a breakthrough from the artificial robotics and intelligence (Shortliffe & Cimino, 2013). Several autonomous systems are currently sophisticated fully in order to perform several tasks which would have needed practice of a skilled human judgment. With the spheres of bioethics and biotechnology, there have been some challenges with the direct societal and human consequences. Some people have looked down upon the biomedical technology due to the fact that they see it as a futuristic and unethical.

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However, the benefit of the biomedical is a primary based on cloning stem which is more from technology use within the genetic modification. Additionally, there are morally relevant facts that the biomedical research makes use of a deliberate production, ultimate destruction, use of cloned human embryos. Serious individuals have differed based on their final judgment with regards to the ethics of cloning process in biomedical researches (Shortliffe & Cimino, 2013). Physicians are the only ones to better appreciate the biomedical results of their end truths. Human cloning has raised very many ethical questions for biomedical research. , & Rullani, E. (Eds.  The technological evolution of industrial districts (Vol. Springer Science & Business Media. Dosi, G. , Bacalini, M. G. , Pirazzini, C. , Salvioli, S. , Gentilini, D.  Health Policy, 110(2-3), 298-301.

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