External Influence in the Bahamas society
Its Government is lawful legislatorial and a Commonwealth jurisdiction. The economic background aggregates from several fields of tourism, financial services, and agriculture. Despite the economic layout of the Bahamas, several external influences have affected it both positively and negatively. The population density of the country per square meter in 2016 stood at 39. The demographics of this country consists of different races of African who have the most significant percentage, followed by the Europeans, and the Asians. The political stability, social realm, and its religion have also been affected by their colonial administration and other developed countries. The colonial masters, traders, and the missionaries affected their cultural activities and the literature of their society. External Influences in the Bahamian Society The introduction of formal education has immensely affected many societies worldwide. Bahamian society is not an exemption.
Notably, in the past different communities relied on informal education solely. The reduction of the mortality rate can explain the developments. The formal education has led to improved research in different fields (Lassnigg, 2016). Notably, education enabled major developments and innovation in the health sector leading to a reduction of deaths immensely. The progress was made possible due to the modern medicines as well as better treatment methods. The procedures have helped in curing and initiating preventive measures to ailments, which were fatal through vaccination. Besides, it has aided in recognizing them equally as able as men thus enhancing gender equality. The women in the society can now comfortably raise a family without depending on a man. Additionally, the education has helped in empowering women thus giving them opportunities to hold top government positions and even heading big organizations.
The introduction of formal education has also helped in dealing with malnutrition and solving other nutritional related ailments (Lassnigg, 2016). The knowledge from the learning institution has aided in the realization of the various causes of these ailments. They constituted of Catholics, Anglicans, Methodists, and Baptists. However, the statistics have changed with more denominations sprouting in the country. The social dealings with the various communities and the tourists are the cause of these changes. Leadership has numerous impacts on the Bahamian society. Importantly, the Bahamas are a democratic state. The government is also responsible for enhancing security for all the citizens as well as offering supportive services like research in the agricultural sector. Doing so helps to increase the agricultural productivity. As a result, it leads to improved exports thus safeguarding the country's GDP.
It is a clear indication that leadership has greatly contributed to the growth of the Bahama. Technology has brought about growth and developments to the Bahamas society. During the late 19th century, the media was used to popularize the Bahamas culture. Cleared (2007), the episodes in the media lasted tourism for its government. Because the government has embraced modernization in different sectors, it has different impacts on her citizen. According to Carey et al. the effects were reflected in the formal education, health services agriculture, security, medical care, and economic development. Modern agricultural facilitate the growth of food in large quantities using little workforce. In different parts of the society where farming activities embraced, the government offer subsidies to the equipment needed such fertilizer, machinery, and agronomy services. In the end, the living standards of the Bahamas society have risen.
The political framework of the Bahamas society was based in the parliamentary democracy. It is an independent country, which is a member of the Commonwealth jurisdiction. In the modern world, there exists the European influence in the Bahamas political structure. According to Martin and Storr (2006), argue that the colonialism effects have been displayed in the tourism sector. The black natives in the society despised the tourist, which ignited the conscience of the Bahamas society not to look upon them as their gods. This antagonism between the blacks and the white existed for a long period since 1967. Due to this fact, they viewed the tourist as oppressors of their freedom. In such legislation, it protects her people from exploitation from the basic commodities and their quality. During the colonial period, the Bahamas society introduced to slavery, which led to the termination of very many lives.
The people united to attain their liberation from the colonial rule. It influences the good cohesion of the people in the society. Economic factors have affected the Bahamian society in a big way. The contribution includes factors like the irrigation of dry areas, research, and development, which has helped in the innovation of drought-resistant crops and livestock. The Bahamians agricultural production has also concentrated on fruits farming since the soil and climate are conducive. Notably, the agricultural activities have contributed greatly to increasing the country's Gross Domestic Products (GDO) due to the exportation of the farm products. Besides, the agricultural sector has created employment for a large number of Bahamians. It is worth noting that, the economic activities practiced by the Bahamians have improved in a great way. The economic development also brought slavery among the Bahamians society (Martin and Storr, 2006).
In their study, they critic the introduction of the plantation farms led to colonialism an also slavery to the society as there was a need for workers in the farms to till and harvest the products. In conclusion, the Bahamas society has been affected by different external influence. The education sector has improved the living standard of the people, as well as the rate of innovation in the health department, have reduced the mortality rate of the children. Education has also changed the view of the female where they are viewed as in inferior during the early era. Bahamian Agriculture, an overview. Abaco, Bahamas. Lassnigg, L. Complexity in a bureaucratic-federalist education system. Educational Research and Innovation, 115-137. Knowles, L. Jestrow, B. Plant conservation challenges in the Bahama archipelago. The Botanical Review, 80(3), 265-282.
Martínez, R. Lewis, J. Franklin, J. Philipp, D. P. Defining adult bonefish (Albula vulpes) movement corridors around Grand Bahama in the Bahamian Archipelago.
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