Fraud done on computers

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Technology

Document 1

Computer fraud are in many cases unrecognised. They are the biggest threat to many organisations and individuals. This paper studies the computer fraud from the participants, processes to the conviction of the perpetrators. In addition, the paper discusses factors other than the technical ability, which come into play in fraud. Possible solutions and suggestions about counteracting this problem is also discussed. Evidence…………………………………………………………………………………. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………. References……………………………………………………………………………………9. Introduction Over the past few decades, activities of computer crimes are very problematic to the world. The crimes are universal and take place various places. The viruses are developed and sent by hackers. The thieves also use computers to obtain important information about an organisation or a person and even illegally using illegally copyrighted materials. Camera: A good number of webcam hackers make use of malware such as the Trojan horse.

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The malware installs and runs a parallel desktop software secretly. In most cases, the hacking begins when the camera remains uncovered when not in use. Families Age, Race, Gender: Computer fraud cuts across all ages, races and gender. Very few computer frauds are committed by females. There is a great commonality that exists among the computer offenders. Women stand less chances of committing computer related crimes. This leaves their male counterparts predominantly engaging in such activities. These institutions have implemented a two-step verification to improve their security. Despite the businesses’ efforts, the frauds get smarter by the day. They develop copies of institutions, plant viruses as well as making interceptions on billing processes. Guarding against online fraud saves the institution’s image and reduces money loss. The customers’ loyalty is improved.

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Girls and Boys: Children are always vulnerable. They are always online. Fraud may target both boys and girls and abuse their rights (Tuma, 2011). Some of the undesirable programs the frauds send to them may end up corrupting their minds forever. On the other hand, when the parents are attacked by fraud, the children bear the most pain because they rely greatly on the parents. As a fraud hacks into the system of an organization or individual, he leaves them with pain due to the losses incurred. Also, during the invasion, the people affected lose such treasures as their computers, the trust people have on them as well as the ground for operation. The online activities may abuse and corrupt the children that are always on and off the internet. Tips and Statistics: The recent statistics indicate that cybercrime is a major problem.

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Security agencies work to reduce the computer fraud (Mathes, et al. The computer forensics look at the infrastructure of the crime. The technology is evolving so fats. This prompts the security agencies to train their officers in the efficient collection and examination of the crimes. Crime Scene: The crime scene is very sensitive in the investigation process. When anybody walks into a crime scene, they should firstly consider their safety. On the other hand, some perpetrators end up getting employed due to their technical abilities rather than being convicted. Conclusion In summary, computer fraud is a worldwide problem that is very difficult to deal with. Its nature and the technological developments make it live with the human beings. Authorities have done well in trying to minimise these crimes. However, they cannot do this completely because of such factors as the mishandling and inefficient investigation methods.

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Patent and Trademark Office. Hernacki, A. T. A vague law in a smartphone world: Limiting the scope of unauthorized access under the computer fraud and abuse act.  Am. Reumann, J. Verma, D. C.  U. S.

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