Funding Is The Real Impediment To The Fulfillment Of The African Union

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Cultural Studies

Document 1

The union was formed purposely to replace Organization of Africa Unity (OAU) which had been established in 1963 in Addis Ababa. Substantial decisions of African Union are made by the assembly. The union was formed as a result of a collective agreement by African leaders to achieve a great sense of unity among the Africans. In 1963, most African countries were under colonial rule. For instance, In South Africa, colonial rule was termed as an apartheid regime, African were highly discriminated to an extent that there were special schools, health centers, shopping malls and roads for white men and those of Africans. Human rights are the morals or principles that are established to define human characteristics. For instance, right to vote, right to life, right to education and right to worship among others.

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These rights are to be enjoyed irrespective of one's nation, language, race, religion, and location. The only qualification is that someone ought to be a human being. There was a need, therefore, to incorporate African Nations with international cooperation so as to defend African people. This is facilitated by the fact that some states do not submit their contributions to the AU5. The AU categorizes African nations into three levels based on their financial stability. These levels include top, middle and lower tiers. Top tiers encompass the big five countries which include Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Nigeria and South Africa. Studies show that these big five countries contribute 66% of the African Union while some states fail to pay their dues6. This posed a great challenge because the union could not step in and provide a remedy.

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United Nations took over the responsibility and reinstated since African Union lacked enough resources. Additionally, the crisis in Somalia relies heavily on the military from Kenya, Uganda, Eritrea, and Democratic Republic of Congo among others8. Reliance to outside for financial support Africa Union funding saga continues as leaders come up with the budget of funds not available. Studies show that African states contribute 40 % of the entire union budget. As a result, the union does not raise enough funds. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES States are generally poor. Being poor is the state of having insufficient money to cater for the basic needs. Approximately 90% of African States are grouped as developing countries, poor countries. The cost of living is as high as the rate of unemployment is high.

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This has posed a challenge to Nigerians who live in foreign countries since are perceived to be corrupt. A survey carried out in 2014 showed that Nigeria was positioned 38th most corrupt country across the globe. They have internal problems that are unable to solve As a matter of fact, African states face a lot of internal problems such as insecurity, poor health, insufficient food and substandard quality of education among others. Nevertheless, insecurity has been the major problem facing African states12. For instance, In Somalia, insecurity has lasted for approximately three decades. Some countries do not pay their arrears while others submit their contributions15. The rest of the budget is paid by international organizations which are located in London, Berlin, and Washington16.

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African problems can find their solutions in Africa. Nevertheless, they invite Europeans to intervene in their affairs hoping to find a solution which turns out to be in vain. As eminent since colonial period African states have relied heavily on terms of financial support from international organizations such as World Bank. H2: states are made unstable by political instability therefore great share is allocated to the war H3: the African States do not pay the sums they have committed themselves. H4: the budget is made without any relation to the money available. Research methods The research method is the process of information collection and data with an aim of making decisions. There are various types of research collection that include; experimental, opinion-based and observational research methods.

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Experimental research methods involve an act of influencing quantitative, independent variables with a purpose of producing statistically examinable data. As a result, comprehensive report relevant to the subject matter is presented. Moreover, experimental research methods provide a platform for making clear conclusions concerning a phenomenon. This is because data collection is narrowed to testing variables presented in the literature review. The results are expected to be close and relevant so as to determine the success or failure of research being conducted. However, researchers ought to be aware that experimental research is time-consuming since each variable must be tested. This helped to conduct research within a short period allocated20. Analysis and findings African Union has the potential to promote peace, love and unity, foster cross-border trade and enhance international cooperation, however, lack of sufficient funds remains to be a great challenge since: I.

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Some African member states do not pay allocated contributions. Some pay late II. Africa union lacks financial means to run its projects III. For instance, in 2014, a budget was approximated to be $ 138 million which would enable the union to contact its operations. Sadly, member stats raised $ 84 million. Big five countries covered 66 % of the total amount raised an implication that, some member countries failed to honor their pledges22. Data obtained from the World Bank shows that African Union lacks mechanisms of raising own finances, relies heavily on donations from external sources and contributions made by the member's states. Unlike other international organizations such as European Union which have invested in business such as the establishment of factories in Europe and across the globe.

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Africa continent is used to donations from mother colonies since the 1960s when most states gained independence24. The independence gained was political freedom and respect of human rights. Economically, continent suffers from instability because of low technological advancement that has devastating effects on industrial growth. For instance in 2016, with the help of European Union, African Union established grants programs which called for help in ensuring food and nutrition security. The union managed to secure approximately 17. This means that unequal distribution of resources persists up to date despite the country gaining independence in 199326. Zimbabwe is not an exception from poverty. Since independence in 1980, the country has been undergoing financial crisis under the leadership of former president Robert Mugabe. 70% of people living in the country are poor.

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Poverty is the country is the measurement by social factors such as a collapse of manufacturing companies which result to thousands living jobs, increased drop out cases, hospitals are lacking facilities such as drugs, beds, and doctors. Poverty in Mali has led to the shortage of physicians hence sanitation, malnutrition and hygiene have become an epidemic in the country. There are high costs of healthcare despite seeking medical services being a right accorded by the constitution. The country invests an estimated 2. 9% of Growth Domestic Product in the health sector28. This has led to spread of contagious diseases in all regions. It affected AU's financial cash flow. Reliance to external donors limits AU operations because they wait for finances for them to begin operating.

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Financial crisis forces the union to reduce troops in the region which leads to defeat. Southern Sudan has been political and economic crisis since 2013. efforts to reinstate peace in the country has failed over the years due to insufficient funding by the African Union. Africa was to make her own decisions as well as financing her internal affairs. The union is based on the vision of achieving an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa which is driven by its own people and representing a dynamic force in global arena. It changed the aim established by OAU of fighting against colonies in order to end apartheid regime and liberate Africans from colonial rule to creating a peaceful environment where members of various races can thrive, a reason as to why Europeans are still living in South Africa.

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The union managed to solve post-election violence in Kenya and Cote D'Ivore32. African Union has the potential to improve the status of Africa since leaders have ideas beneficial if funding problem is solved. Therefore, African Union leaders should focus on dealing with their internal affairs. Dependency on donations has made member states reluctant to support the union financially with a believe that external sources. Therefore, member states should commit themselves to finance the union despite internal struggle and lack of sufficient funds to finance their budget with aim of achieving a stable union which will benefit Africans at large34. Additionally, low economic trade results from trade with international organization because Africans sell raw materials at a cheap price and later import at a higher price.

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